

Two Little Fishies Kalkwasser Calcium Supplement this is what I’m adding to my top off water. Any helpful advice. I don’t want to kill my fish. I started out with 4 gallons of water adding 4 tsp Kalkwasser to the ro/di water letting it set over night and then only sucking the water out not the bottom stuff. Then adding one gallon of water making 5 gallons of top off water. This is hooked up to a float switch. I'm using a 5 gallon water jug



Active Member
i just add 16 tsp to my 13 gal top off tank... mix for 20 min and just top off as is... took me a little while to figure out how many tsp i need to keep on top of the damand but im good now... ( i started off at 1 tsp per gal... once mixed i did not added more... aggitating the kalk mixed water can lower it's calk/alk due to O2 exchange... so for those few weeks i manually added 2 part till the resuvour ran out and had a change to up the tsp per gal) you might want to look up Kalkwasser reactor ....just need the reactor, kalk, and 2 pmps.. one to mix and 1 to dose... you can find online calculators on how much saturated kalkwasser to dose for a given demand... and a FYI.. kalk mix is the same a pickling lime.. cost me $4 or so at the supermarket... mrs. wages..


wait, do you mean saltwater when you say "make up water"? If so, that's an issue, top off water should be freshwater.