KANSAS Folks - Anyone want to go in on an Order?


Active Member
Hey all - I am planning on ordering from here for delivery on May 2nd or there abouts ....
I will order enough to cover the $75 minimum - anyone else want in??
I am thinking the big 20+2 and two tank bred clowns. I also want/need some peppermints & a ricordea ....
If you want in let me know and I will look for the best package deal .....


Active Member
where in Nebraska?? KC is a nice over night trip .... come down - see some sites ... pick up some SWF stuff ....


Active Member
i ha trouble again with the blue zoos- i fragged 10 and 3 made it so i am going to try again when i get some time-i fragged a few others and they are all ok- just the blus im having trouble- java- depends on how many you want- for a rock with about 10-12 zoos of various colors i would say about 10$


I live in KC. Please put me in for one pygmy/cherub angel (14.99) and one flame hawkfish ($39.99), and please e-mail me with a time and directions for pickup.
Thanks much!


Active Member

Originally posted by bugmunch
I live in KC. Please put me in for one pygmy/cherub angel (14.99) and one flame hawkfish ($39.99), and please e-mail me with a time and directions for pickup.
Thanks much!

Hey Bug - not a problem. though I need an e-mail address and a phone number - send them to me @