Karajay - Have you tried your Refratometer yet?


:jumping: Hi Kara!!
Just been playing with my new toy!! Too cool!! It was way easier than I thought it was going to be too.
Just wondered if you'd gotten a chance to test drive yours yet and what you thought.


Active Member

I used it a few minutes ago, and I agree....this thing is cool.
My main reason for buying one was that I have a small tank, therefore I change only 1-2g a week. And the water doesn't fill my bucket enough for my large glass hydrometer to float (I had a small glass one but it broke).
This thing is one of the best tank investments I've ever made.


I couldn't agree more! I think maybe my next investment will be a ph monitor. Do you have one? If so, do you think they are worth it?


Active Member
I don't have one, never seen one, can't help ya' there :rolleyes:
I've never had in Ph problem in either my current or previous set-up.
*knocks wood* :D


I think the Pinpoint runs upwards of $99 or so. It would definately be an investment. I'm still doing research on how much added value one would be.:yes:
Like the refractometer it is very accurate if you calibrate it properly. I have one but it is not a pinpoint. I think I paid maybe 50-60 for it. I wish I had bought it sooner. My eyes aren't too good with certain colors and I had a heck of a time reading all the ph tests out there so this thing was a god send.