KC 20 gallon reef build


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I can place the fuge ANYWHERE......i guess what im trying to say is whatever you think is best is what im going to do because i have no idea of what im doing.....i really appreciate all the help your giving me....but if you can tell me everything i need and the order in which i need to do it that would be AWESOME.......the thing im confused about is the plumbing coming from the DT to the fuge.....i got an idea of how it works i just want to know how to make it look good and be effective.......i also want to know that im not going to get flooded if the power goes off.......i think for the return im going to use one of those standing pipes your talking about but i need to know what size of pipe and everything to use................so if you can like make a list of what i need and how to construct it that would be awesome


Active Member
If the 15gal fuge is put below the 20gal tank then you need an overflow in the 20gal. You would pump water out of the fuge via a return line that can go over the top into the 20gal tank this added water overflows. It enters the overflow and out the 20gal.


Active Member
ok i dont think we are going to put it below because i dont want to buy an overflow or even know what an overflow box is for that matter and dont have a strong enough pump to pump water back up that far..........what i do have is a 1.5 gallon beta tank that is just gunna house chaeto.......It can be beside or above the DT...........................................I have also been thinking i seen a 5 gallon tank setup at wal-mart for 30.00 it had filter lighting hood and all of that with the setup......i was thinking of getting that and possibly useing a overflow box as you guys said to get water down to the 5 gallon fuge and then useing some type of pump to get water back up to the DT.....I do not want to drill any of these tanks tho.....i really need you guys help to get this setup because i really dont know anything about this and i would rather go with the 5 gallon tank because i would have enough room to place a skimmer or whatever i may want down there......so please guys i really need some help and fast......i plan on getting this ready by next week....please help


Active Member
Originally Posted by kclester
ok i dont think we are going to put it below because i dont want to buy an overflow or even know what an overflow box is for that matter and dont have a strong enough pump to pump water back up that far..........what i do have is a 1.5 gallon beta tank that is just gunna house chaeto.......It can be beside or above the DT...........................................I have also been thinking i seen a 5 gallon tank setup at wal-mart for 30.00 it had filter lighting hood and all of that with the setup......i was thinking of getting that and possibly useing a overflow box as you guys said to get water down to the 5 gallon fuge and then useing some type of pump to get water back up to the DT.....I do not want to drill any of these tanks tho.....i really need you guys help to get this setup because i really dont know anything about this and i would rather go with the 5 gallon tank because i would have enough room to place a skimmer or whatever i may want down there......so please guys i really need some help and fast......i plan on getting this ready by next week....please help
You could save a whole lot of frustration by doing as GeoJ mentioned. Use a HOB (like a aqua clear 70) and turn it into a fug. You will then set in on the tank, (after the slight mods needed) clip on a light, and plug them both in. Done. No plumbing, no pumps cause it has its own, pretty sleek, no floods if power goes out. If a skimmer is wanted it can be a HOB, also it can be added later on. Trying to build a fug out of a 5 gallon tank without the skimmer in hand IMO is not so good of an idea. Different skimmers have different requirements. Space will be tight in a 5 gallon tank.
Not to be rude in any way here, but I think your putting too much thought into a 20 gallon tank. A nano can be managed easily by water changes alone. If proper stocking is done, it will only need the water changes to replinish the levels of NSW that we can't test for. You can also grow the cheato in the DT in some kind of a container. The acrylic suction cup soap dishes make nice little holders for macros. A new one of course. If you went that way you would only be out about 5 bucks total, that includes the 4 dollars for the cheato.
You don't even need the container. Just pin the macro in some rock work. Like a small hole in the back of the rocks so you wouldn't even see the cheato.


Active Member
i have looked on this site for some HOB fuges but cant find anything i found a pump""""TAAM Rio SEIO 530P Prop Pump""""" at a reasonable price but the over flow box's here are a little high. A hob fuge would be nice but i kinda like the idea of haveing a DSB fuge under my display but a HOB would be good also i guess ill look around for 1


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This is one of my favorite tanks. Its really a shame his life made him travel. That's the reason it came down. Life's cruel sometimes. This tank is a 40 gallon breeder. It has no sump, and no skimmer. It has a couple power heads and a HOB filter with no media in it. He grew a chunk of cheato behind the rocks. He pruned it weekly. Dosed the tank accordingly.


Active Member
+1 on just putting chunks of cheato in DT
I have done this and did not even try to hide it just cram it in some rocks and pull it out to clean the detritus off, looked pretty good…
If you want a skimmer save up your dollars and get a Reef Octopus Hang-on-Back. You can keep the tank up very well with just water changes like Posiden was saying so the skimmer can wait...
The DSB well why not put it in the 20 gal I had 2 inches of sand in my 50 gal tank and loved it.


Active Member
i guess what im going to do is throw some chaeto in a small hob filter that i have and rig some type of small light over it.......its a small hob filter but if its packed with chaeto it should work fine. I know i have been promiseing pics but i have been so busy, i will try to get some pics up soon im super excited about the build tho everything is looking awesome. I havent seen any sign of a spike yet my tank has been up for over a week. I may have to add an ammonia source to start the cycle if i dont see any sign of ammonia by the weekend i will add a raw shrimp


Active Member
ok i just started mine tho so its nothing special.....but it is looking really good.... the sand and rock work looks great