KC'S 29 gallon diary...hope yall like


Active Member
Well i know its not much to look at now but here is my 29 gallon diary hopefully everyone will like it and ill get some good feed back from it.....its been up and running for about a year already but im just now gunna start my diary because im about to start my REEF......hope everyone likes

this should be a pic of my tank in feb.....not alot has changed since then here is my tanks stock list
1 firsefish
1 yellow watchman
2 mexican turbos well atleast thats what i was told they were
5 hermit craps


Active Member
Get some Nass snails.
U gonna get more live rock?
How could u go a year with FO? lol
Looks good. Cant wait to see corals in it


Active Member
yea im gunna get some more rock for sure......im just working part time right now so i cant really put much in it but imma gor for about 20 more pounds im jsut looking for a good deal around here its 7-8 dollars a pound and thats a bit much for me.....thanks for the comments tho...lol in the future im planning on getting a beter clean up crew and i for sure want a cleaner shrimp and a false perc for sure....im not sure as to what else i may get
Originally Posted by kclester
this should be a pic of my tank in feb.....not alot has changed since then here is my tanks stock list
1 firsefish
1 yellow watchman
2 mexican turbos well atleast thats what i was told they were
5 hermit craps
where did you get the hermit crap?


Active Member
found an older pic of my tank awhile after it was first setup.....ill try to get some pics of all of my tank mates later but i figured i would share this older pic


Active Member
i just ordered my first round of frags and they should be here by tuesday.....i will post pics as soon as they come in


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figured id add a few pics and MAYBE ill get some posts lol but anyways heres a few pics i snapped.....im not the best with a camera but i tried

hope everyone likes the pics...they arent the best but i tried lol


Active Member
10 frags of alot of various zoas....im looking forward to getting them in the tank...thanks for the comment


Active Member
Zoas, I think are a great starting coral. I have my first frags coming this week too
Good luck with yours, are you planning on feeding them and if so what?


Active Member
they Should be here 2morrow i cant wait.....im not sure yet as of what to feed them alot of people dont feed them anything...but if there is something that will help them grow then yes ill feed them that but as of now i wont be feeding anything....ill post pics as soon as i get the frags


Active Member
fenrir i have 135 watt pc's with built in moon lights.......upgradeing to MH in the near months so that gives us something to look forward to...yay


Active Member
Looking pretty good, did you get a chance to add more lr yet ? I know that stuff can be pretty expensive and rough on people right now with the way the economy is. Everythings screwed up so bad. But i like the yellow watchman and that firefish. Do they get along ok ? Looks pretty sweet though. If you are thinking of a reef probably should get a few more snails. I have only about 5 astrea snails and 3 nass snails in each of mine. had more than that but they get eaten by somehing.LOL. and about 6 blue legs in each. Keep up the good work and hope to see those new frags you got today.


Active Member
yea im for sure gunna get more rock.....just waiting on the LFS to get some nice pieces....yea those 2 get alone fine...never had any problems with them...yea thats my next step upgradeing my clean up crew and gettiong more rock....thanks for the comment...yea the frags will be in soon i cant wait


Active Member
well the pics will have to wait until 2morrow.....after i get some glue........but the frags are great they are all open and looking good.....just got to get them on my LR