Keep it or Kill it?



Looks like it may be a type of red kelp? Did you touch it?


Active Member
No, I didn't touch it. After reading some of the horror stories of people getting stung, well, I guess I'm a wimp:rolleyes:
And... I'm from around Binghamton. Not proud of that. Hopefully it's temporary. :)



Originally posted by karajay
And... I'm from around Binghamton. Not proud of that. Hopefully it's temporary. :)

"Bingotowm":D ...not to far from you....know any good lfs?


Active Member

Originally posted by fishtanker
....know any good lfs?

Well, we've got three in the local area. One just sucks. One is run by someone who's really old school. And one is decent if you know who to talk to.
How about in your neck of the woods?


Active Member

Originally posted by SPSfreak100
The first coral looks like a type of Corallimorpharian, possibly Actinodiscus sp.?

Hmmm...I guess I'll see what it grows up to be :)


Active Member

Originally posted by karajay
Hmmm...I guess I'll see what it grows up to be :)

Does it retract when you touch it?
(Corallimorpharian's do not have strong nemotocysts that will "sting" or produce a burning feeling. If you would prefer, you could gently squirt some water on it with a turkey baster)


Active Member

Originally posted by SPSfreak100
Does it retract when you touch it?

Nope. On a side note, I've had my tank lights off for 2 1/2 days getting rid of the red slime algae I inherited on some of my rock. Will that be harmful to it? Lights will probably go back on tomorrow.


Active Member
i also think that it is a type of red this i dont neam red slime, but a red macro algae which would be similar in th esense o caulerpa.....just cant think of the name right now!
ill do some researchin and post the name when i find it!
good luck