Keeping a QT tank cycled... with a damsel

Hey everyone,
I've got a 29 gal tank that is currently cycling with a cocktail shrimp. This tank will serve as a QT/Hospital tank.
Once it's cycled, I am thinking of putting in a Damsel to keep it cycled. I know Damsels are very territorial, and can cause problems, ie: stress, which I don't need in a QT tank. So here's what I'm thinking:
I'm thinking of dividing the tank with eggcrate. 2/3 of the tank would serve for QT'ing fish, and the 1/3 left over would be the damsel's realm.
Does anyone see a problem with this?

bang guy

Sounds fine :)
As an alternative I'll share what I do.
I have a pair of Sailfin Mollies I keep in the Q tank. They pick at the algae and keep it clean so I don't have to worry about inverts in the Q tank.
When it's time to use the Q-tank I just pop the Mollies into the display tank and the Q-tank is already set for a certain bio-load.
After 6 weeks the new fish goes into the display and the Mollies go back to the q-tank. You can't do this with a Damsel because they are almost impossible to catch in a reef.
The Mollies also donate Banggai food once a month or so :eek:
Golfish, I'm using an Emperor 400.
Bang Guy, As for the mollies, aren't they brackish water fish? What's the acclimation procedure for mollies?
And are they hard to catch from the display tank?
Do you see a problem with me keeping the Damsel in a secluded area in the QT tank?
Just adding food... how well does that contribute to the bioload that can be handled in the QT?
Not that there would actually be a large bioload in a QT.. but have you ever had a problem QT'ing medium sized fish with your method?