keeping anemones alive?


New Member
I always liked anemones, but never are successful with them. I had pink tips for about a month. They keep moving to darker crevices of the tank, which may be a reason for its death. I once even fed one of them a freshwater feeder fish. that one closed up the next day, then soon died. I have plenty of light and do 20%water changes on a weekly basis. I have a tank FULL of all types of successful corals, so the water shouldn't be in question. Are anemones just that damn hard to maintain? :notsure:


Active Member
To start a little more detail will be needed:

1)How long has your system been up and running. :thinking:
2)What is water readings. :thinking:
3)List of inhabitants :thinking:
This is a good place to start and possibly find the missing piece.

Welcome to the boards


Ive actually had a LTA for 2 years and its impossible to kill, very hardy. I added a BTA a few months ago and its doing great too.
Maybe try a few different types?


Also had troubles with purple-tipped anemone, until it found spot he likes - under the power head (intake should be protected). Water lifts it a little, and a strong light there.
Hiding in crevices could be because of flow, or it tries to protect the body. Mine choosed small rock with the red kelp algae for the attaching.
Not an expert, though. Have only one anemone for less than one year.


Sebae is one of the most delicate Anemones. They die very easily if not giving them the right care. However, I bought mine White Sebae at an impulsive moment when I saw it at the lfs and put it in the 1wk old tank :), I know, I know....
So, after 3 days, he didn't do well cuz the water was pretty hard, I sent him to my friend's tank for a week and I put him back in my tank after that week.
It's been 2 weeks since I put him back and the tank is cycled (amazingly, just less than 2weeks), my Sebae is happy and blooming big.
So, you might want to give it try again and see how it goes.
good luck