keeping cat shark


New Member
Just wondering how many people luck with sharks ,so please respond bec.starting new project soon with a 180 gal. tank in wall . I HAVE A 125GAL. REEF TANK IN ANOTHER WALL ALREADY I JUST WANT A SHARK WITHOUT TAKING DOWN MY OTHER TANK SO ANY ADVICE WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL THANKS .


Actually the best way to keep any small "aquarium friendly" shark -like a coral catshark, bamboo or horn is in a poly pool, not a standard aquariums.
Most standard aquariums are ill-suited to keep most bottom dwelling shark species.
Poly pools are round usually about 6-9' in diameter.
Case in point - a standard 180 gallons - is really only suited to keep a coral catshark(A. marmoratus) for it's entire life time.
And if your truely serious about keeping a shark - then I recommend you first get "Aquarium Sharks & Rays"
by Scott Michael


what type do you have in mind?
If your wanting a bamboo or eppeulette you do not need to hatch them yourself, i am a very experenced shark keeper i have blacktips and ive kept sharpies, whitetips, sandbar,nurses, smoothhounds and bonnetheads and i cant even sucessfully hatch a shark and get it to start eating. your best bet is to but one allready hatched and that is about 1 foot long that way you know its eating. other than that do you know what equepment you will need or anything?


Yes - there are several species of sharks available to marine aquarists.
here's a few options.
Bamboos - sometimes called cat sharks by lfs. The range from the 2.5' arabian & gray, to the 3.33'(40") Brown banded. All are tropical & and all are genrally hardy species. Good for first timers. all are bottom-dwellers, and nocturnal. General require a 200-400 gallon
Epaulette(eppie for short) - can grow to 3.5'(42") in length. related to the bamboos. Also a tropical & fairly hardy species, that is a bottom dweller & nocturnal. generally require a 300-400 gallon
Coral catsharks (coral cat for short) -only true tropical catshark species. They are also nocturnal. Coral cats tend to be more voracious feeders than either bamboos or eppies. the generally grow to about 24-27" in length. Require at least a 180 gallon tank.
Horn Shark - general considered a cool water species - the horn is actually a warm temperate - to subtropical species, quite capable to tolerating water temps in the mid 70's to near 80 range.