Keeping Eels


I've kept a lot of varied species over the years but I have never kept an Eel. Well, I'm going to be setting up a FOWLR soon and I'm considering a snowflake Eel. I'm not all that familiar with their attitudes toward other fish. Are they aggressive toward smaller fish all the time, hit or miss? Also, will they try to escape through egg crate tank tops with canopies? I don't like tight fitting glass tops because I always seem to have heat issues.

Just looking for opinions before I add him to my stock list.


Never Kept one, but this seems consistent with most research I've seen.

This is a very hardy eel, but an escape artist. A 50 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of live rock and a tightly fit canopy is ideal. Most of the eels that are lost in an aquarium are due to poorly sealed tanks. The Snowflake Eel is safe to house with any fish it cannot easily swallow. It can be housed with some invertebrates, like anemones and corals, but not crustaceans.

Also most say it can eat the fish in the tank occasionally.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, if it can eat it , it will. Most people keep w tangs, lions, triggers, large angels, ect. That said ive read storys of them cutting lions in half over food.
They will escape tho, little bastards lol


Active Member
I have one he's about the size of a pencil right now he doesn't show any aggression towards any of his tank mates. Snowflake eels are not really fish eaters by nature but they will eat fish if it will fit in their mouths they also get a little aggressive with age. I also don't have a lid on my tank and so far he's stayed in the tank.


Active Member
I just don't see a point in putting a lid on my tank cause unless you completely sealed he'll still get out


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree, its why I never got an eel. My wrasse is pain in the ass enough keeping in the tank lol


That is what I was looking for. I'm not going down the Eel road if I have to completely seal the tank up. I'm always struggling with my tanks getting too hot.

Oh well, on to my next passing obsession.


Active Member
You don't have to seal the tank I didn't and he been in the tank for few months now. I think they only escape when they don't like there tank either due to poor water quality or bullying but that's just my opinion


Yeah they have been known to jump, i want one but i think ill chose another fish instead because i dont want to wake up to one on the floor. Egg crate wont be enough to hold them in they can escape from anything they can get their head through which is why Im afraid to get one.


I have 2 snowflakes in a 75 and they get along great. One disappeared for about a week. I check the sump, over flow outside the tank and everywhere could think of and nothing. Then a week later he just poked his head out the rock and now both will come completely out of the rocks and swim around. I do have glass lids on the top so they aren't tempted.