keeping emperor angel or koren angel


New Member
Hello everybody, i was wondering which of the two is easier to keep. Which one is not picky and have a good survive rate. please give me advice from your experience and yrs in the hobby. I really want to get one and with everybody help, the fish will have a better chance of survive. I have a 180 tank.


Active Member
im only had a juvi emp angel.. had her for about 1 year.. Awsome fish!! perdy shure i will always have a emp angle.. ad for care.. u do need a little of know how.. nothing much tho.. and u need a nice and stable/established tank.. the fish is perdy hardy.. imo.. just dont do anything to drastic to the water.. like having crazy temp fluctuation.. which can lead to bloches on the fish.. eats perdy much anything.. as long as it's not too big.. eats both vegies,and meats.. ohh and it likes to have quit a bit of decals to swimm in and out of.. thus needing a perdy big tank.. (125 gal +)


New Member
thanks thang, i really like the way emperor look when they get to adulthood. I will probably get the emperor since you say they are hardy fish. :joy: and you have luck with yours. please share some more experience..


Active Member
emperor should not be considered hardy. I've had little luck w/ them. seem to do better when you get them as juvi's. the only problem is that you are not gauranteed that they their adult colors will fully mature. especially the face mask. koran hardier but emperor more striking in appearance. good luck.