Keeping fish is cruel and sick!


New Member
HAHA nah, I'm just messing around with you guys... Actually, I'm introducing myself as a newbie to this whole thing...

I'm hoping soon to get a nice Fire Clown family going in a fish only tank, and then hopefully upgrading to a mini-reef setting. Unless of course, you guys think I should attempt to start the tank off by including the anemones(or corals), which seems to be a very intimidating feet, what with the fact that nitrate is more dangerous to a mini-reef than a fish only, ect...
I also wanted to ask a question of reverse osmosis units... They are really expensive, would it be easier for me to use purified drinking water? If thats a stupid question, please don't hurt me!
In advance I thank you guys for any help you could give to my questions and any other advice you could give a guy like me in my position...



Originally posted by ElGoose38
I also wanted to ask a question of reverse osmosis units... They are really expensive, would it be easier for me to use purified drinking water? If thats a stupid question, please don't hurt me!

I buy my water from a RO/DI machine (looks like a large soda machine) outside our grocery for $0.25/gallon.
Welcome to the boards! :D


Active Member
Reverse osmosis system would be worth it if you had a tank around 40 gal. or bigger, but if its a smaller tank i would think just buying distilled water would be fine. Welcome to the boards, you sure know how to get my attention!! welcome again! Todd


Welcome.......I am a newbie too. Looks like I got a kindred seem to have the same sense of humor I do....we should get along great, and hopefully you will have much much better luck than I have, I am the "Salt Water Tank Idiot Of The World." Got my tank so screwed up it would be cheaper to toss it out the window and start completey over. But, I keep on and on and on and on and on trying to get all my in a row so to speak!
Again, Welcome!!!!


New Member
I'm glad you guys enjoyed my little joke, I just HAD to do it...
SHNIKIES, I forgot to mention the thing about the tank... I'm not exactly sure what size to go for... this is what I'm planning on putting in(if there's any compatibility issue, PLEASE let me know!)-
-Four fire clownfish
-One Red General Starfish
-One Hawaiian Spotted Puffer(i've seen them listed in the agressive fish forum, but their temperment is said to be peaceful).
That's the beginning... this will more than likely be a fish-only tank to begin with...
Summarizing the question- Thought as to size and compatibility?


Active Member
i LOVE my 30 gallon, I would recomend that if u r low on money, if u got moneys to spare i would go 55, u can have better stuff in 55's but i have spent more and my tank looks full and great, very plz so far but MUCH MORE TO GO


Active Member
Four clownfish and a puffer would be a few too many fish for a 30g. For a tank of that size, I think a pair of clownfish and a puffer would be more ideal. I'd say go for a 55. :)



Originally posted by ElGoose38
-One Hawaiian Spotted Puffer(i've seen them listed in the agressive fish forum, but their temperment is said to be peaceful).

I've been thinking of getting one as well and asked in the fish forum. Those who kept then and responded said they've never had a problem with them being aggressive towards other fish or their inverts.
Good luck!


New Member
Alright, I'll definitely go for the 55 gallon on that one... any other suggestions for my little community?


Active Member
if you can afford it go with metal halide lights, the 2 nd choice would be power compacts.. but metal halides if you ever want hard corals, but there expensive... todd


New Member
I just thought I'd take a chance to give a promotional bump and to thank you guys for your awesome, swift support... and to thank you guys for not realizing that I spelled aggresive wrong! Silly me...