Keeping Jawfish


Active Member
I am getting ready to set up a new tank for a Jawfish. Any tips, suggestions and photos welcome! :jumping:


You probably already know but they require a deep/coarse sand bed to burrow into. I've personnaly never kept one but I think they are way cool!


Active Member
I'm thinking about getting one too and this is what I found. On one side of the tank the substrate has to be at least 4in deep. It can not be CC. You also need to introduce it to be the first fish in the tank. You will want to put in some pebble sized rocks and shells into the tank as well for when it makes its burrow. You may also have to spot feed it...this is because it waits for the coast is clear till it comes out. I have also heard they are carpet surfers so a lid might be handy. Hopes all goes well. Please take some pics...when I get my new tank for xmas I'm getting one and I'll take pictures.
Good Luck


Active Member
Thanks for the replies! I am trying to come up with a good aquascaping plan in general, not sure if I should slope the sand bed or do a uniform DSB through out. I have some smaller grained sand and a bit of reef sand with lots of shell rubble for burrow building. I think I will do 4 inches if I do a unifor bed, possible deeper if I slope. I will post some pics for sure once it is all set-up. For now the only tank mate will be a Yasha Hashe goby who is being bullied in another tank, should be a nice timid tank mate for the jawfish, at least that is what I am hoping for. I have also read that rotal grammas, small gobies and many clowns make good tank-mates.


My lfs has good aquascaping in one display. They stacked rocks to block off a little part of the tank and put deeper sand. It looks good if you get a little creative and pay attention to making it look natural.


Active Member
thats sounds good...I'm going to try to slope my tank to save money...some people have said the jawfish will sometimes scatter the substrate even through the whole tank eventually


Active Member
Originally Posted by essop3
My lfs has good aquascaping in one display. They stacked rocks to block off a little part of the tank and put deeper sand. It looks good if you get a little creative and pay attention to making it look natural.
Yup, I love that idea and a trying to figure out how to make it work. I want a tall rock structure on the left hand side of the tank with the jawfish area on the right. I may try yo plant some caulerpa as well so need to figure al of that out. I have some lawn pavers but am not positive they are safe to use i the tank though I have read of other people doing so.