keeping more then one clown


I have been wanting to give away my small perc clown since his mate jumped out of the tank. I had been planning to put a pair of Gold stripe clowns in the tank but I was recently told they are difficuly to keep as a pair. I was also told to get 3 clowns instead of 2 and that Perc clowns were the only ones that would readily live in a group of 3 if introduced young... Since this info all came from the LFS I wanted to ask the extperts here about their opinions.
Last question is if I wanted to stick with percs could I just add 2 small ones to the tank with the existing one? That way I know the larger one will remain the female? Ive had this one for about years so I dont really want to part with it but its very boring having one in the tank


Adding two more clowns would be a big problem. Why not just add one to the one you already have. Just make sure it is smaller. Also mixing species will not work either.


I thought about adding one to the existing but wasnt sure if they would fight. As long as the new one is significantly smaller then the existing I should be ok correct? Have you heard anything about keeping maroons or gold stripes as pairs being a problem?


I am not familar with the maroons or the gold stripes, but my false perc would attack anything that came near the tank. I put a smaller false perc in and they get along great, no problems at all. Thanks for the advise Bang! Like you said just make sure it is smaller and they should be fine.


New Member
does it have to be a male and female pair? what if my LFS randomly pick a pair of clown? will they get alone if 2 males or 2 females in a 20 gal tank? :thinking: :notsure:


(Please correct me if I am wrong)
If you get the at the same time it is ok if they are similar in size, but if you introduce one after you already have one it has to be smaller. A pair of non mated clown introduced at the same time are the same ---. Eventually one will become the bigger of the two and turn into a female. If you want to add a pair together, try and find a mated pair. Then there won't any problems.


Active Member
i have 3 different types of clows in my 125 reef...i have a mated maroon, mated false,mated true.... all in my tank..and no one fights...why are people so worried about mixing clowns?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
i have 3 different types of clows in my 125 reef...i have a mated maroon, mated false,mated true.... all in my tank..and no one fights...why are people so worried about mixing clowns?
Are your clowns hosting anemones? If they ever move from their current location you will have dead clowns. It is only a matter of time before someone becomes mature enough for breeding and decides to beat the rest into oblivion.
Clowns do well with other fish or in pairs only, keeping more than one pair in a tank or even 3 in a tank is asking for trouble later once the dominant fish matures. Everything will seem fine for a while, maybe a few years but eventually you will have an issue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by denny80689
I had been planning to put a pair of Gold stripe clowns in the tank but I was recently told they are difficuly to keep as a pair. I was also told to get 3 clowns instead of 2 and that Perc clowns were the only ones that would readily live in a group of 3 if introduced young... Since this info all came from the LFS I wanted to ask the extperts here about their opinions.

This is all false.
Also Gold Stipes are easy to keep as a mated pair. They are just as difficult as any other clown fish as far as trying to create a mated pair, but buying them as a pair will give you no issues. My female is mature and gets along with every other fish in my tank (bi-color angel, scooter blenny, royal gramma), but add another clown and "It's GO TIME!!".
Queen Mamma


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
Are your clowns hosting anemones? If they ever move from their current location you will have dead clowns. It is only a matter of time before someone becomes mature enough for breeding and decides to beat the rest into oblivion.
Clowns do well with other fish or in pairs only, keeping more than one pair in a tank or even 3 in a tank is asking for trouble later once the dominant fish matures. Everything will seem fine for a while, maybe a few years but eventually you will have an issue.

my maroons host...but not as much as i'd like...mostly they all jus swim around the tank...never even paying attention to eachother

bang guy

IMO Mr Bill is exactly right on all counts. I have a feeling that in a few years you'll only have the Maroon pair. I hope I'm wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
how come they get agressive over time?...not noticing any problems now
I'm pretty sure when it's spawning (baby making) time they decide the neighboring clowns need to leave.