Keeping pods alive without refugium?

Well i have 55 gallon reef, that has been up for about 1 month it is cycled. It houses a Cleaner shrimp, a ywg, and 2 hermit crabs. I noticed thousands of pods on my glass, is there anything i can do to keep them alive and multiply faster?
I plan on getting Mandarin in about a year , maybe 6 months. I know for a fact this wont be enough for the mandarin to live healthy for a long time. Is there something i can do to keep the pods safe and multiplying?
My tank is tempered glass so theres no way i can drill. Is there a another to have a refugium.


Active Member
Ditto to bob.
If there is a 'cave' somewhere in your LR that the pods can get into, but the fish can't, it gives them a lot better chance to survive and reproduce.
Someone on here created an actual pod-breeding area in their tank by stacking LR around eggcrate. I can't remember specifics, but it was for a situation like this, where they wanted to keep the pods growing.


New Member
Could you have a pile of rubble in your sump for pods? Do they need light or algae to live? My sump does not have room for algae or light, but I do have room for a little live rock in the spot next to my skimmer. I have no room for a fuge underneath my display.


Active Member
live rock rubbles r good too. the more surface area, the better. pods need a save place to reproduce.


You do not need to drill your tank to have a refugium. There is a thing called an overflow box and you can set one up that way.


Active Member
there was a guy on here that used a piece of pvc and he put lr rubble and cheato and placed it in the tank where no fish has access to it and he kept a mandarin goby and a scooter blenny successfully...


Active Member
All these sugestions are very good and I would go with one o them, but they also offer a refugium that i think goes in your tank and sticks to the side of sumthing? I dont really know anythig about them, just that they exist, it may be sumthing you want to look in to?


I had that same prob, I had a small tank 30gal, and wanted a refugium. I decided to build on out of one of those hang on whisper filters. All you do is remove the filter basket, attach a light to the top and glue in a screen over the water exit port. For a light, I just bought one of those luxeon flashlights, unscrewed the top part containing the bulb and reflector and hardwired it to an adapter and a timer.
I won't promise it'll be as good as a regular sized fuge since its so small, but I've been growing Cheato like crazy so it must be working. I know somewhere there is a link on how to build a HOB fuge out of a whisper filter.


you could also get an in-tank refugium...they have one on doctors foster and smith's website. they're fairly cheap, too.