Keeping sand clean

little salt

New Member
Hello all new to the boards.
I have a 29 gal reef tank. It has been up and running for 16 months now. Lots of growth from my corals, fish, and other items. I do have one problem though. My sand gets this dirty color and stick together. I have read that you should not disturbed your sand bed when doing water changes that the "critters" will keep it clean.
About my tank-
My sand bed is not a deep sand bed its about 2" deep I use the ecosystems filtration and it does great. In the filter, witch is a sump, I have LR rubble on the inflow side, then the Mud, and then between the return pump and the mud part I have filter media. I have a good growth of micro algae.
I have one sand sifter, 8 turbo, 3 emerald crabs, 4 scarlet reef hermits, 2 little red sand crabs (not sure of there official name they are about the size a dime or smaller), clown, cardinal, another clown
I do 4 gal water change every week with RO/DI water, and Kent marine salt.


Active Member
My best sand sifters are my two fighting conchs followed by my Nassarius (sp.) snails. They keep it nice and white.


I would agree the best sand bed sifters/cleaners are nassarius snails and fighting conch's. also a good worm population will also do wonders for keeping a sand bed clean.


i like the nassarius snails and have lots of them, something else that i found was cucs. i have about 5 in my tank and they are constantly cleaning my sand. don't think you need that many but a thought for you.


Hope you dont mind me sneaking another question in here but will the conch or sand sifter bother fan worms or feather dusters that have settled in the sand bed?


Staff member

Originally posted by ravenhawk
Hope you dont mind me sneaking another question in here but will the conch or sand sifter bother fan worms or feather dusters that have settled in the sand bed?

Shouldn't be a problem.