little salt
New Member
Hello all new to the boards.
I have a 29 gal reef tank. It has been up and running for 16 months now. Lots of growth from my corals, fish, and other items. I do have one problem though. My sand gets this dirty color and stick together. I have read that you should not disturbed your sand bed when doing water changes that the "critters" will keep it clean.
About my tank-
My sand bed is not a deep sand bed its about 2" deep I use the ecosystems filtration and it does great. In the filter, witch is a sump, I have LR rubble on the inflow side, then the Mud, and then between the return pump and the mud part I have filter media. I have a good growth of micro algae.
I have one sand sifter, 8 turbo, 3 emerald crabs, 4 scarlet reef hermits, 2 little red sand crabs (not sure of there official name they are about the size a dime or smaller), clown, cardinal, another clown
I do 4 gal water change every week with RO/DI water, and Kent marine salt.
I have a 29 gal reef tank. It has been up and running for 16 months now. Lots of growth from my corals, fish, and other items. I do have one problem though. My sand gets this dirty color and stick together. I have read that you should not disturbed your sand bed when doing water changes that the "critters" will keep it clean.
About my tank-
My sand bed is not a deep sand bed its about 2" deep I use the ecosystems filtration and it does great. In the filter, witch is a sump, I have LR rubble on the inflow side, then the Mud, and then between the return pump and the mud part I have filter media. I have a good growth of micro algae.
I have one sand sifter, 8 turbo, 3 emerald crabs, 4 scarlet reef hermits, 2 little red sand crabs (not sure of there official name they are about the size a dime or smaller), clown, cardinal, another clown
I do 4 gal water change every week with RO/DI water, and Kent marine salt.