Keeping the sand clean?


I have a 46g bowfront tank with 50lbs of LR and 35lbs of LS... All of my parameters are perfect and I do water changes regularly. For some reason I constantly have a very thin layer of this brownish/red algea on the sand, and on some of the rocks. It only temporarily goes away when I do water changes and stir up the sand... it usually returns within 45 minutes though. I have 2 clowns and a firefish (not the heaviest bioload). I buy my water (RO/DI) from the LFS and there are no phosphates or silicate. Any idea what this is and how I can get rid of it???


Active Member
is it kind of a rust color? if so, I have the same thing - diatoms... nothing I do seems to help (water changes, etc.). I've heard that fighting conches will help with algae on the sand, but I have yet to try them. How deep is your sand? 35lbs shouldn't make it very deep at all? Do you have southdown under the LS? If it is a DSB, I would suggest stirring up the sand as rarely as possible. Live with the diatoms as long as you can before you clean it. Part of a good, functional DSB is having it sit pretty much undisturbed.


Active Member
Go get some (or more) crabs or snails to eat that stuff off your sand. I had the same problem and added 100 dwarf zebra hermits to my tank. No more problems for me.


Do you have plenty of water circulation in the tank, down by the sand? I had that on my sand until I redid where the water circulates, and my sand is nice and white now.


Active Member
All i can say is from what people have told me, get a proper clean up crew! They will sort it out for you! Quite entertaining as well! :D