keeping them alive


I have had 3 anemones die. I just can't seem to keep them alive. 2 pink tip and one carpet.
One pink tip was alive 5 months
1 for 2 months
and the carpet about 3 weeks.
Is there one thing that I should be checking that would kill them?
I read the first article, but they must be something wrong in the tank.


Active Member
Anemones are tough to keep alive, no matter what you read/hear (except for those darn aptasias). Carpet anemones are especially challenging.
Sounds like you have lighting problems. What size tank do you have and how much lighting do you have? If you don't have it least 4-5 watts per gallon of lighting, you don't have enough.
You also need a stable tank for them with pristine water parameters (ZERO ammona, nitrate and nitrite, pH of 8.3 AT ALL TIMES, Sg 1.025, dKH 10-12 and Ca >350). for long-term health of your anemones.
Many believe that they have good systems because their anemones live for months to a year or more when in fact, they are dying right off the bat. Anemones can/will slowly eat themselves over weeks to months in order to survive in an inadequate environment. Regular feedings prolong this but the end result (death) is inevitable. Many that you see in stores already have started that due to poor shipping conditions, etc. Captive bred anemones are far better in this regards in that they are usually always healthier by the time they get to the store.
Give me your tank parameters and equipment and we can go from there. Perhaps there is something that you are overlooking that is killing your anemones (like a heater leaching heavy metals). You also could just be getting bad anemones from your store (see above comment).


55 gallon
lighting dual satellite 4x65]
All my test are good except for
Nitrate 50
and calcium is like 600.
I was told if I raise my salt level, the rocks will absorb more calcium and that will help.
I do constant water changes to get the nitate down and feeding a lot less. I also just got some plants to help with the nitrate.


Active Member
You do have to get that nitrate down.
As far as the salt level goes, I have no idea what they mean when they tell you that. What is your specific gravity (the amount fo salt in the water)? They may have meant that your alkalinity is low and by replacing the salt it would raise it. Not a good way to go as buffers work much better.
Do weekly 15% water changes with water that has been aerated for it least 24 hours for a few weeks. Make sure that the pH and SG (specific gravity) stay constant. Your SG should be 1.025.
Also, get a alkalinity/dKH test kit to test for hardness. Should be 10-12 dKH.
We can go from there.
As far as lighting, you should have been fine with the pink tips but short for the carpet anemones.


my dk is 10 or 11
as far as airating the water for a few weeks i have never done that.
What do do you do. gety like a 20 gallon tank and just kepp fresh saltwater will a bubble wand for a few weeks ?


I have never had much luck with anything less then metal halides for anemones and I also feed vitamin enriched frozen mysis everyday with excellent results with good water quality of course