Keeping Trigger with eels?


Active Member
Are all Triggers typically going to go after an eel for food?
I have tried Triggers in the past and have seen them chase my eels back in the rocks. My Lionfish just suddenly passed away in my 240 and I'm considering my options on a replacement (another lion, or a trigger). But having my large Snowflake and my Golden Moray I'm hessitant because if I lost those I'd be crussed.
Thoughts or recommendations?
Tank is a 240g (8x2x2)
Yellow Tang
Blond Naso male
Queen Angel
Maroon Clown
Golden Moray
CC Star
If not any other thoughts on a replacement?


Active Member
I like that grouping of fish, I'd say do another Lion cause thats a perfect fish for that group. I've not heard of any problems grouping Triggers with Eels, I'd be more worried about the Trigger with the Clown or the CC Star.


Active Member
I also have a Red Coris Wrasse I'm going to be adding to the mix, trying to bulk him up in my 75g first.


we currently have 2 triggers with our eels. I have a large Black Hawaian and a Niger. We have 3 eels, two snowflakes and a barred eel. Every now and then the Hawaian will sorta chase the snowflake but that is if it goes over to its rocks that he likes to sleep in. The only real challenge is when it is time to feed the eels, the triggers will steal the food right off the stick.


Originally Posted by splatee
we currently have 2 triggers with our eels. I have a large Black Hawaian and a Niger. We have 3 eels, two snowflakes and a barred eel. Every now and then the Hawaian will sorta chase the snowflake but that is if it goes over to its rocks that he likes to sleep in. The only real challenge is when it is time to feed the eels, the triggers will steal the food right off the stick.
you feed eels of a stick?wow why ?just throw live silver sides in at night when everyone else is sleeping

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by splatee
we currently have 2 triggers with our eels. I have a large Black Hawaian and a Niger. We have 3 eels, two snowflakes and a barred eel. Every now and then the Hawaian will sorta chase the snowflake but that is if it goes over to its rocks that he likes to sleep in. The only real challenge is when it is time to feed the eels, the triggers will steal the food right off the stick.

Yeah thats the thing with triggers . They will steal the food if the eels not fast enough . I drop in food on the other end of the tank away from where the eel is . than when the triggers go after it you can feed the eel .
Harley:I like the idea of a Black hawaian or a pink tail trigger in the 240
I don't think you would have as much of a propblem with these as apposed to something like a humuhumu or a clown .


Active Member
Hey Harly, long time no see....Sorry about the Lion.
I had a Huma and Niger with a snowflake for years, no issues, I think the only Triggers you would have to worry about are the monsters you don't want anyway (Queen, Undulate, Blue line etc).
I would worry about your Starfish as well, a Maroon Clown can take care of themselves in most cases....If you are going to do a Trigger, I would look at Bluethroat, Sargassum, or if you have extra money burning a hole, Crosshatch.
Just got my first Harlequin Tusk him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
...any other thoughts on a replacement?
Take a step back and see if you can find out what caused the lion is die. Heathly fish, much like people really don't 'just die' except for the rare spasm (not something Lions are prone to IME). If anything, it might help other people out.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I would worry about your Starfish as well, a Maroon Clown can take care of themselves in most cases....If you are going to do a Trigger, I would look at Bluethroat, Sargassum, or if you have extra money burning a hole, Crosshatch.
I'm not too sure about that. One morning all of a sudden my niger decided to take a disliking to my maroon clown. So I look at the tank and the maroon clown is hiding between some rocks and the niger is constantly attacking it. When the maroon finally came out, it had bite marks all over its fins. I had to separate them, now my maroon is in a different tank and healing fast. They were both pretty much the same size too. Not like the maroon was tiny.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I'm not too sure about that. One morning all of a sudden my niger decided to take a disliking to my maroon clown. So I look at the tank and the maroon clown is hiding between some rocks and the niger is constantly attacking it. When the maroon finally came out, it had bite marks all over its fins. I had to separate them, now my maroon is in a different tank and healing fast. They were both pretty much the same size too. Not like the maroon was tiny.
My Niger in my previous tank came in at 2 inch with a full grown bully of a Maroon at 5 inches, the Maroon had a rock he liked to guard against any and all intruders (exception being the Achilles Tang whom no one ever messed with), the young Niger used to wonder by the rock, and the Maroon would savagely chase him away, this went on for roughly 2 years until the Niger got to be about 6 inches and decided he wasn't going to take anymore. Within a day I had to move the Maroon to my smaller tank as he was all but torn to shreds. A month or so later, I moved the Maroon back to the big tank, he went right back to guarding the rock and the Niger went right back to kicking his butt....Back to the small tank he went to live out his days....Thats why I recommend the Bluethroat for Harly

Adult Nigers can be rather rough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Hey Harly, long time no see....Sorry about the Lion.
I had a Huma and Niger with a snowflake for years, no issues, I think the only Triggers you would have to worry about are the monsters you don't want anyway (Queen, Undulate, Blue line etc).
I would worry about your Starfish as well, a Maroon Clown can take care of themselves in most cases....If you are going to do a Trigger, I would look at Bluethroat, Sargassum, or if you have extra money burning a hole, Crosshatch.
Just got my first Harlequin Tusk him.
Congrats kjr_trig, you'll love him. Glad to see your 240 is coming along nice.
Yea I was Upset about the lion. Raised him from nothing 2 yrs ago to be about 10-11" . He has always been great and came right up to the tank to feed. Then one evening during feeding time he didn't come up to my face, I just thought he was full. After 2-3 days of perching and just not being hungry he went belly up on me. No signs of anything else and everyone else in the tank was fine. No reason to suspect anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by eelfan77
i have a undulated trigger with a snowflake eel and they the triger never bothers him.
not to be critical but that will likely change, undy's are nasty when they get to a medium to large size, and should be kept as a single specimen tank.


Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
not to be critical but that will likely change, undy's are nasty when they get to a medium to large size, and should be kept as a single specimen tank.

disagree ,single specimen ,wow borning!!! i have 2 undys same tank w/ all my other fish no probs.just have some hidin spots.why b a 99%er?just dont understand the way all of think.mabey if you stuffed a 75 gal with no hidin spots you wood have trouble otherwise all good

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
not to be critical but that will likely change, undy's are nasty when they get to a medium to large size, and should be kept as a single specimen tank.

Yeah I agree . I saw a beautifull little undy(2") at the lfs today . As tempting as it is I rember the last time I tried to keep one with other fish . It took it about a week before it was so bold that it was chasing the other fish and even charging me when I would have my hands in the tank . Awesome fish but just needs to be housed alone .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
undy's are nasty when they get to a medium to large size
yeah, people just tend to stink more in general when their undies are larger in size. so yeah - larger undies usually are nasty..


New Member
i have a clown trigger and a honey comb moray eel in 600lt tank they get on fine other tank mates are: 2 lion fish and a 80cm rock cod
the rock cod can eat the trigger whole if he wanted too but they grew up together
i feed all fish with white bait as it has calsim where other foods do not such as prawns, squid, calamari