Keeping Trigger with eels?


Any of the Plankton eating triggers will be fine as others have said. I have a Millaris, Meletremus and snowflake with a 9" crosshatch. No problem what so ever. I would get a bluethroat, and if you feel like spending some more get the crosshatch, and if your really feeling frisky get a goldenback!!! Regards, Tim


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
6oo litters is about 150 gallons . So its not that huge actually .
I actually meant 80cm... that's 31 inches of fish.. that's huge. And yeah, a bit too huge for a 600L/158g tank.


New Member
the rock cod i 40 cm and they are all housed in a 550Lt tank 153x58x60cm
they are all happy together
still dont know what sort of rock cod he is as there are so many different ones out there he's from australia tho.
i have seen a rock cod at the melbourne aquarium he was over 200cm he was in a tank with a leapord shark so i hope he doesn't get that big if he does i will be building a bigger tank
any way he is probly my fav fish i have and i got him for free at the lfs where i work
when i feed the fish i have found the trigger goes for it first the the honeycomb comes along and pretends to bite the trigger but it looks like he is just testing the trigger and then i put my tongs in with a whitebait down near the honeycomb for him to eat . i just have to get through the rock cod as he is pritty strong guy usully give him a wack with the tongs and he moves over , oh and trigger gets his pellets from time to time which i shake the container near the glass and he comes out from behind his rock and starts wagging his tail like a dog...
when they say triggers are like owning a dog they are soo true