Keeping two Niger Triggers or Puffers?


New Member
I could not find any info online about this. Is it possible to keep two Niger triggers in a 180g tank? One is about 2 inches and the other is 3.5 inches long.
Currently in the tank is about 250lbs of live rock, Niger Trigger, SFE, Volitan Lionfish, Porky Puffer (3 inches long), Yellow Tang, Samurai Squirrelfish, a few small damsels.
Can I put another Niger in there and another Porky Puffer? Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BKL911TT
I could not find any info online about this. Is it possible to keep two Niger triggers in a 180g tank? One is about 2 inches and the other is 3.5 inches long.
Currently in the tank is about 250lbs of live rock, Niger Trigger, SFE, Volitan Lionfish, Porky Puffer (3 inches long), Yellow Tang, Samurai Squirrelfish, a few small damsels.
Can I put another Niger in there and another Porky Puffer? Thanks.
I think the puffers & nigers will probably be ok; but one of those fish will kill your lion sooner or later. I know its often done, but your triggers will turn into very aggressive fish and start shredding your lions fins. IME & IMO: they do not belong together. It sounds like a small lion, if he hasn't eaten the damsels yet.


i think it might work but its no guarantee, its one of those case to case situations i think. If you try it, which i you prob will, just keep a constant eye on things and the first sign you see of you lion getting picked on dont hesitate to get him out and find him either a new tank or new home...


New Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I think the puffers & nigers will probably be ok; but one of those fish will kill your lion sooner or later. I know its often done, but your triggers will turn into very aggressive fish and start shredding your lions fins. IME & IMO: they do not belong together. It sounds like a small lion, if he hasn't eaten the damsels yet.

Thanks for the info. Yes, the V. Lionfish is very small....about 4 inches or so. As of right now, everyone is getting along great and the trigger that is in there is minding his business.
Now, I did forget to mention, I have a super mean Lunare Wrasse, but he is only aggressive to the damsels at times....chases them all around for 5 seconds then nothing.
Now for the additional puffer that I want to add, he is about 8 inches right now, but my baby porc puffer is only about 3 inches. Do you think they will co-exist ok? Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by BKL911TT
Thanks for the info. Yes, the V. Lionfish is very small....about 4 inches or so. As of right now, everyone is getting along great and the trigger that is in there is minding his business.
Now, I did forget to mention, I have a super mean Lunare Wrasse, but he is only aggressive to the damsels at times....chases them all around for 5 seconds then nothing.
Now for the additional puffer that I want to add, he is about 8 inches right now, but my baby porc puffer is only about 3 inches. Do you think they will co-exist ok? Thanks!
I think the puffers will be ok and I would expect the larger puffer to find the little lions fins very interesting.

it's chuck

that lion is toast man. I would just let him go now instead of waiting for him to get shredded. As far as adding another niger I should be fine for awhile no telling what will happen in a couple years when they are big (6 to 8 inches is where I have noticed they stop playing nice). As far as the porky goes, they tend to be pretty laid back fish but when you add one that much larger than the other there is chance he could see them as a potential meal; I personally would look for a smaller one. If you do add these two fish I would definitely find a new home for the lion as you will have 5 fish know for nipping lions


Active Member
Originally Posted by It's Chuck
that lion is toast man. I would just let him go now instead of waiting for him to get shredded. As far as adding another niger I should be fine for awhile no telling what will happen in a couple years when they are big (6 to 8 inches is where I have noticed they stop playing nice). As far as the porky goes, they tend to be pretty laid back fish but when you add one that much larger than the other there is chance he could see them a a potential meal; I personally would look for a smaller one. If you do add these two fish I would definitely find a new home for the lion as you will have 5 fish know for nipping lions
Yeah, this happens so often too. Lions simply don't belong with triggers or puffers. IMO, it is the biggest misconception in the area of aggressive fish. IMO, lions are not aggressive fish, in that they will seldom bother anything they can't swallow. Every lfs has a good supply of puffers, nigers, humas, etc and often suggest they be kept with lions. It may be days, or months; but eventually the trigger (an often puffer) learns just what his genetic make up is, they are not gentle fish, and the carnage begins. Lions are extremely hardy fish and I'd bet more are lost this way than any other. (except, maybe, feeding them hundreds of goldfish.) It is really hard to tell someone this basic fact; because they often are fine.........for a while.

it's chuck

Originally Posted by srfisher17
Yeah, this happens so often too. Lions simply don't belong with triggers or puffers. IMO, it is the biggest misconception in the area of aggressive fish. IMO, lions are not aggressive fish, in that they will seldom bother anything they can't swallow. Every lfs has a good supply of puffers, nigers, humas, etc and often suggest they be kept with lions. It may be days, or months; but eventually the trigger (an often puffer) learns just what his genetic make up is, they are not gentle fish, and the carnage begins. Lions are extremely hardy fish and I'd bet more are lost this way than any other. (except, maybe, feeding them hundreds of goldfish.) It is really hard to tell someone this basic fact; because they often are fine.........for a while.
Yeah quite a few times I've talked to people who have triggers/puffers and want a lion or vise versa and explained to them why you shouldn't; just to find out they came back when I wasn't there and got it anyway. Happens with tangs and large angels and people with too small tanks a lot too. At the end of the day we are a business and all I can do is inform the customer and if they still want to purchase something then oh well I did what I could.


New Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I think the puffers will be ok and I would expect the larger puffer to find the little lions fins very interesting.
Gotcha...seems like the general consensus.
Originally Posted by It's Chuck

that lion is toast man. I would just let him go now instead of waiting for him to get shredded. As far as adding another niger I should be fine for awhile no telling what will happen in a couple years when they are big (6 to 8 inches is where I have noticed they stop playing nice). As far as the porky goes, they tend to be pretty laid back fish but when you add one that much larger than the other there is chance he could see them a a potential meal; I personally would look for a smaller one. If you do add these two fish I would definitely find a new home for the lion as you will have 5 fish know for nipping lions
Great...thanks for the info. I guess I will try to make some alternate plans for the Lion. I do have another 125g tank with corals, so he may end up in there. Thanks again!


Active Member
I don't pretend to be an expert on anything; just share my opinions and experiences. Its very refreshing to see a fellow hobbiest ask questions and actually listen to the responses. Too often, IMO, folks just look for that one opinion (perhaps out of dozens) that will just provide justification for a bad decision that has already been made. I expect you're doing very well with this great addiction and will continue to do so!

it's chuck

Originally Posted by srfisher17
I don't pretend to be an expert on anything; just share my opinions and experiences. Its very refreshing to see a fellow hobbiest ask questions and actually listen to the responses. Too often, IMO, folks just look for that one opinion (perhaps out of dozens) that will just provide justification for a bad decision that has already been made. I expect you're doing very well with this great addiction and will continue to do so!
I couldn't agree more. I always tell people this is a hobby with very little fact and tons of opinion. However many opinions are a conclusion of hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars worth of dedication.
When I tell someone they shouldn't get something its' not because I don't want them to have it; Its' that I am trying to tell them what is best for their tank.


Active Member
The general rule with Puffers is to not keep 2 similar ones together, including 2 Porcs. I'm really not sure how thats going to work out for you. They are solitary hunters and will likely view another puffer as competition. At their youngest its fine and not uncommon to see like 5 baby Porcs together at a fish store, but 2 adults is a big risk. I would suggest getting a different kind of puffer like a Dogface. The only Puffers known to go good with similar ones are GSP's.