Keeps Coming Back


Can anyone please tell what is the cause of bubble algae.
I know how to remove it properly.....but after a while it will resurface again. I would like to quit getting rid of it temporarily and rid myself of it once and for all!!!


Oh and if it makes ant difference, each time it comes back in different shapes. (ie. 1st it was round, 2nd it was oval etc)


ALL algae is the result of a compination of factors, Light, CO2, phosphates, Nitrates etc. As far as phosphates and nitrates they can exist at levels too low to read from your home test kit (read previous articles of Sea Chem on line-stating 1PPB is enough to suport micro algae). Your buble algae is the result of the elements listed above and an abundance of CO2-that is what fills the buble. Your algae is not bad at all and is the result of a established tank. If it is really ragging you, then cut the hours of light and it should go away (what I mean is REDUCE the hours of light and NOT leave them off altogether). GOOD LUCK-at least you do not have hair algae. I have struggled with for so long I am working on my doctorate degree on hair algae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How much time should I cut off. Right now I have 4 VHO bulbs
on for 10 hours a day. What should it be at?


I work all day so I run mine from 5:30 pm to 11:00 PM when I am around to enjoy it. If you think of it the sun is up (high enough to be beam directly down is from about 10:00 AM to 3:00 +/_ during the day depending on what time of year it is.


Active Member
Emerald crabs eat it.
You can pick them out by hand but DON'T POP THEM. That will multiply them. The spores are inside the buble.


Like I said, I know how to get rid of it, and I have an emerald crab
I just want some proper info on lighting time

melissa v.

Then cut back to 8 hours a day if that dosen't work then 7 then 6 hours a day, no shorter than 6 though.
Melissa V.