Kent Aqua Doser


New Member
I want to start using Kalkwasser, is the Kent Aqua Doser good for that? I have a 135 so I guess I would need the 2.5 gallon. Can you set this on top of the sump and drip it into the sump? How good does is work? Is Kalkwasser worth this extra hassel, or should I just put in kents liquid calcium. Not sure what to do! :confused:
Get a calcium reactor. It's probably the best investment I made for the tank. It will probably cost you in upwards of $400 or so after you get everything but its well worth it. My ph, alkalinity, and calcium are always perfect. They never go up or down. My corals never looked better and it saves you the hassle of mixing kalk every day and then dosing it later. I had a guy build me a dual chamber reactor. I can tell you where I got it if you need. It's an amazing piece of hardware.

nm reef

Active Member
Then again properly dozed kalk is just fine in my opinion...
I doze using a home made dripper.....old IV line with adjuster and a 1 gal container(rubbermaid).....not much of a hassle....I mix in the am and drip after lights out......1 teaspoon per gal and the results have been positive.........all chemistry is within range and stable.........I drip direct to my 55 but in the sump will work........
I, too have begun to drip. :D
I need to figure out how many drops to drip! I have a 40 gal and evaporation rate is approx. 1/2 gal per day. How do you figure this out? :rolleyes:
Mantis: I just got the Kent Aqua Doser. I'll let you know after I figure all this out!
Well, I have come up with 26 drops per minute to equal 1/2 gal/per day.
Does this sound right to anyone with experience with dripping??????


New Member
Got my Aqua Doser it works great I'm dripping Kalkwasser about 1 cup per hour is that about right for a 135? Directions say you can drip Kalk slowly 24 hours to make up for evaporation. I heard you should only drip at night and early morning. :confused:


i bought the doser 3 weeks ago.. and i'm totally lost with this whole kawlk issue. If any one has any expierence with using this. please let me know
How many drops your dripper needs to drip

that is the question!! :D
I got my AquaDoser and have been dripping for two days now. My rocket scientist husband figured it out for me. I have a 40 gal, with 30 gal of actual water, that evaporates 1/2 gal a day. I need 1 drop every three seconds to replace this evap rate, and I drip 24/7. I have a Ph monitor, really a necissity to keep a close eye on your Ph. I mix 1 tsp. per gallon, and make up only one gallon at a time.
I did a search and read everything I could get my hands on about Kalk. It really helped me. And yes, there are many different reefers doing many different things with drippers. Rate, amount of Kalk, day or night, animal load, etc.
You really have to do some homework.
So far, I am pleased with my doser. Now I will wait for results, one way or the other.
P.S. My night Ph is staying up now, it was 8.0 this a.m. before lights on. It is 8.4 daytime. If it goes too high in the day I will then drip p.m. only. But at my rate {only 1/2 gal a day) 24/7 should be fine and stable.
[ June 21, 2001: Message edited by: Up North Hermit ]
[ June 21, 2001: Message edited by: Up North Hermit ]