Kentucky Saltwater Aquarists


oreo. i got to the lfs in the nky area. i don't know if you know where florence is. i go to the one there and the one in erlanger. depending on what im looking for. better selection of fish at the florence one but the equipment is a tiny bit better at the erlanger one. both are good in my opinion. southern indiana? by perfect north slopes? fun place to be at in the winter time.


no where near perfect north slopes. sky wourld was right around the corner untill it shut down a few years back.


Rubberduck, I'll be sure and mention your name to the owner of Fishland here in Lexington, Ky the next time I go there. He is in the process of moving his store to the unit next door to him. The owner of the building told him that someone else wanted to rent his spot and to come up with a dollar amount of what would take him to move next door. The Fishland owner submitted a ridiculous offer for rent and it was accepted by the owner of the building.
Anyway, the large 360 gallon display tank did not survive the move next door and he told me he has to re-silicone it or something. He is waiting on a part to reconnect his RO unit. He sold all his fish before he started moving his stuff, but I think the move is more involved than he thought it would be.
I have bought 4 frags from this guy at very reasonable prices. I have also bought some fish from him and everything has been really healthy. His fish prices are more than they are on this website, but since he is the owner, he will work with you on price.
I am going to go to the other store, Just Fish, to look at their corals. I have enough fish in my 40G tank and now want to add more corals.


Active Member
yeah he has a few corals at just fish but all seem to be very healthy even if they are overexpesnive. beatiul peices if i rember right but they are limited to the tanks but i think they are turning a few freshwaters into salt. Let me know how it goes and your first impressions. The owner has a 125 (i think) in the first room as a show that was being filled with sps as i moved. tell me how it looks. cool lemme know how it goes.


I am going through lexigton this spring I might have to check them out on my way back


Active Member
yeah if you want good corals at resonable prices i would go to fishland. this is prior to moving as i think he is still moving but im not sure. But for the gems you are willing to pay for in strong cash, go to just fish. tjough i have been there and he had crapy selection and other times im scrambling to get the good pieces as everyone is looking. lemme know too how it goes.


I will lock for them it will be the end of may. Should be moved by then?


Originally Posted by hughes07
not trying to steal the thread but what part of nky nrage. i also live in nky. what fish stores do you go to

I live in Florence.
I go to World of Pets, Jack's, House of Tropicals in Cincy, and Monfort Heights Aquarium.
I'm fairly new to the hobby. Only had this tank running a few weeks, had a freshwater tank years ago. From what I've found:
World Of Pets--the Staff is very willing, and they know their stuff it seems, but still kind of feeling them out.
Jack's in Florence--If you know what you want (supply wise), go in and get it. I wouldn't suggest buying the fish...I've seen several sick ones there.
House of Tropicals--AWESOME SELECTION, good prices on supplies, but the service is a little sketchy and a couple of the people that work there are odd...Fish are expensive.
Monfort Heights--From now on, I'll drive the extra distance to go there. The people were awesome...The prices were great. Not quite the selection of house of tropicals, but they still have cool stuff.
After going to the other three and all of them suggesting introducing Damsels/chromis/clowns into the aquarium to "help it cycle", the guys at monfort heights gritted their teeth when they heard that I already had fish in there. After explaining my setup, they said I should be OK, and made a lot of suggestions to help ensure that everything goes more smoothly for my fish and they survive with minimal suffering. I was very impressed with the people there and will make it a regular stop when I have the time.
What part of town are you from?


i live in erlanger. i also go to world of pets and yes they do know their stuff. ive been going there for about 5 years maybe. um... store wise i probably will agree with you on world of pets and jacks. i have seen some sick fish in jacks and there coral selection is not as good as others. equipment wise they have a good selection of items. i have not been to the other two but have heard of them. ive heard of house of tropicals. i also have been going to planet pets off of dixie highway across from the erlanger kroger. been there a couple times in the past week. i like their coral selection, and they have some pretty good fish. not a great selection but they seem to be alive and well. they have a sale on their live rock right now too i think. $5 a lb if you need some. i bought a couple pieces from their when i was working on my 38 gallon and i was pretty impressed. it looks like tonga rock too me. very cool and unique shapes. i was also told from world of pets about the damsels for cycle. back when i was young and naive. (age 14, now age 16 haha). how far of a drive is monfort heights. can you tell me some details on your tank? what kind of stuff are you gonna get nrage.


Originally Posted by hughes07
i live in erlanger. i also go to world of pets and yes they do know their stuff. ive been going there for about 5 years maybe. um... store wise i probably will agree with you on world of pets and jacks. i have seen some sick fish in jacks and there coral selection is not as good as others. equipment wise they have a good selection of items. i have not been to the other two but have heard of them. ive heard of house of tropicals. i also have been going to planet pets off of dixie highway across from the erlanger kroger. been there a couple times in the past week. i like their coral selection, and they have some pretty good fish. not a great selection but they seem to be alive and well. they have a sale on their live rock right now too i think. $5 a lb if you need some. i bought a couple pieces from their when i was working on my 38 gallon and i was pretty impressed. it looks like tonga rock too me. very cool and unique shapes. i was also told from world of pets about the damsels for cycle. back when i was young and naive. (age 14, now age 16 haha). how far of a drive is monfort heights. can you tell me some details on your tank? what kind of stuff are you gonna get nrage.
My whole family is from Erlanger area originally. I forgot about that place over there by the putt putt course...used to be Pets 'n such when I was a kid. I need about 25-30 lbs. more of live rock. I think I'll run over there tomorrow. Can't beat $5/lb around here. (actually, I bought 30 lbs. at House of trops theother day for $4/lb, but it wasn't the best.)
The Place in Monfort Heights is right off of Colerein Ave. in Cincy. From Erlanger, probably about 20-25 minutes. If you need directions, let me know, it's pretty easy to get there. My GF lives up there, and I work in Downtown Cincy, so I'll go there every couple weeks now that I found it.
My Current Setup (only running for about 3 weeks)
60 Gallon, wet/dry filter, 900GPH power head, 200W heater, 4 x 65W lighting with actinite lighting. 45 lbs. Live Rock, 20lbs. Live sand, 40 Lbs Argonite sand. I have 2 Percula Clowns, 1 Blue/green reef chromis (WOP told me it was a blue, I think it is a green--$5 fish either way) and a redlip Blenny. I also just got 4 turbo snails from the monfort heights place.
What about you?


im in the midst of upgrading alot... mostly all the stuff i got now is my mom's old stuff. i got a 55 gallon, 60 lbs of ls, 70-80 lbs of lr, hob filter (soon to be wet-dry), im getting a aquac remora skimmer, and i got 3 maxi jet 1200 on the way too. but i got this ehiem aquaball powerhead with a micro jet powerhead. i got 2 damsels and 2 electric blue hermit crabs i just got the other day. the 2 damsels are my moms (she just wont let them go). yeah i'd like directions to that place. i also got a compact fluorescent lighting i think 6000K is what it said. im getting a mh as soon as i get some money. im hoping to get a job at planet pets. that would be huge. are you gonna get corals or have a fowlr


Originally Posted by hughes07
im in the midst of upgrading alot... mostly all the stuff i got now is my mom's old stuff. i got a 55 gallon, 60 lbs of ls, 70-80 lbs of lr, hob filter (soon to be wet-dry), im getting a aquac remora skimmer, and i got 3 maxi jet 1200 on the way too. but i got this ehiem aquaball powerhead with a micro jet powerhead. i got 2 damsels and 2 electric blue hermit crabs i just got the other day. the 2 damsels are my moms (she just wont let them go). yeah i'd like directions to that place. i also got a compact fluorescent lighting i think 6000K is what it said. im getting a mh as soon as i get some money. im hoping to get a job at planet pets. that would be huge. are you gonna get corals or have a fowlr
Hey Hughes...I went over to Planet Pet yesterday and bought 20 lbs of rock. It is very nice stuff. The guy there (I think he is the owner) was very knowledgeable and was a nice guy. I like how he has his dogs running around the store...nice touch...
The info for the place in monfort heights:
Monfort Aquarium & Pet
6520 Colerain Ave
Colerain Twp, OH 45239
might want to map quest it from your house, If I were going, I'd go:
75 North to 74 West
Take the Colerain Ave Exit and head North
It is on the right hand side, I'm not positive how far, but I'd say it's at least a mile or 2 up...
I still don't know exactly what I'm going to end up doing with my tank. I'd like to have a trigger fish, but everyone is telling me my tank is too small, and I know they are agressive. I have a setup that will accomodate Coral down the road if I decide to have it, but for now, I plan to stick to FOWLR, but at the same time, I'm focusing on reef-safe fish so that I don't have to worry about it if I do decide to add somethin else.


hey I'm in Martin,Tn just south of Fulton Ky. Anyone know any good stores near here other than down in Jackson?


im glad you got some good stuff. i need to stop by there and get a test kit and some water treatment stuff. ya my neighbor bought one of the dogs they have their. if you end up deciding to get coral maybe we could trade some stuff sometime.


Yeah, that would be cool. I have a feeling I'm still a little while away before I'm ready for any of that, unfortunately. I'm not the most patient of people either, so it may just kill me....


New Member
hi all i live in danville about an hour from lex 2 hrs from louisville can some one tell me where just fish is located in lex thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by deedee_207
hi all i live in danville about an hour from lex 2 hrs from louisville can some one tell me where just fish is located in lex thanks

by the kentucky football stadium and right by it. Really close to that area


has anyone been to fishland recently the last trip i made in he didn't have much, just wondering before i made the trip down