Kenya Tree help!!!!


I recentlly put a Kenya Tree in my tank and it seemed to be doing well the first night. Now the tips are somewhat white and it seems to be a little limp. Its in a decent flow area right under my HOB filter. If anyone could give me any input on this coral. Good pointers and bad would be greatlly appreciatted. Thought I was getting a Cabbage leather in a pack I got but they sent me the Kenya Tree instead dont really know to much. What to feed, could it poison my water at all if it died, what are signs I should watch out for?


Got a large one in my tank....they tend to suck up sometimes for a day or two and then come out again. The thing to watch out for is when they mature they will drop off small pieces of branches and they will attach in the tank!!!! to anything they lay on for a day. I got about a dozen small ones I have to keep trimming so they don't take over the tank.
If it doesn't come out in two days check all your parameters. Sometimes they are the first to notice that something is wrong too. Mine sucked up once for about two or three days and when I checked my phosphates they were through the roof. added phosban media and bam...back in a day.


Active Member
you said its been in there for a day or two. give it sometime and if the still like that then w?e will go from there. is it like that at night or during the day too?


I just added mine yesterday and it is still open and full. I am just worried that they are hard to take care of. I didnt really read up on the Kenya tree so it is kind of new to me. What do you feed yours what lighting do you have? Not to be dumb about it but if you can tell me anything at all about it I will greatlly thank you.


Originally Posted by teamsleep
I just added mine yesterday and it is still open and full. I am just worried that they are hard to take care of. I didnt really read up on the Kenya tree so it is kind of new to me. What do you feed yours what lighting do you have? Not to be dumb about it but if you can tell me anything at all about it I will greatlly thank you.
I have a kenya tree in my 30 under 192 watts of PC lighting.I dont really feed it,I guess it gets some of what I feed every thing else.Its close to the bottom of the tank,and spreads and grows like weeds.
Probably one of the easiest corals there is to care for.


Originally Posted by teamsleep
I recentlly put a Kenya Tree in my tank and it seemed to be doing well the first night. Now the tips are somewhat white and it seems to be a little limp. Its in a decent flow area right under my HOB filter. If anyone could give me any input on this coral. Good pointers and bad would be greatlly appreciatted. Thought I was getting a Cabbage leather in a pack I got but they sent me the Kenya Tree instead dont really know to much. What to feed, could it poison my water at all if it died, what are signs I should watch out for?
High salinity too and they will retract their arms. I know. You using a refractometer?