Kenya tree may have poisoned my tank!!!!


My kanya tree recentlly died and when i was getting it out of the tank it just went everywhere. Now my fiji leather and my toadstool arent opening anymore for the past two days and it seems that at the base of the fiji there is a white goo and it seems to be sliding down the rock it is on. It is a very badlly colered yellow and some spots look like brown (slightlly). I am going to do a water change tonight when the water is ready becuase I am afraid that the kenya tree might still have some broken off branches between rocks thata re making my tank very cloudy. All parameters are good as of now but from the day that I took it out of the tank the water is really cloudy and smells pretty rank. I have carbon running to try to do something, i dont know, and besides doing a wtare change any other inout would be very greatful. Thanks.


Active Member
serious water changes and lots of fresh carbon are your best bets. wet skimming may help pull some of it out too.


The worst part about the whole skimming thing is my skimmer recentlly broke so I have no money to buy a new one so i am stuck trying to deal with ym tank without a skimmer. Hopefully things work out. Thanks for your input, anymore?


Active Member
Are you sure whatever made your kenya die isn't killing your other corals? I don't know, something is not right in your tank, what are your numbers like? I have a kenya and my frogspawn fell on it one night and killed 75% percent of it and the branches went everywhere, i couldn't get them all out. But no other corals died from it.


All of my levels are good that I tested for.
Ph - 8.2
Salinity - 1.025
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Ammonia 0
Alkalinity - normal as far as the test shows I forget the reading though.
other then that I dont test for anything else. The reason I said that my fiji looks like its dying is becuase it looks like the base is white and a little slimey just alittle bit but it still could be acclimating to the tank becuase I got them about a week ago. he still has some good yellow on him I just thogh he was getting use to the lights becuase he went from mh to pc. The flow is good in my tank I have 22x's the turnover in a 45 so I dont think that the problem. I just started feeding my tank some zooplankton everyother day I feed it a tablesppon. Could that have anythgin to do with it. As stated above in the last thread from me my skimmer just also broke.


How much is to much to do in a water change throughout one day? I just did 2.5 gallons on my 45 and I am going to do another 2.5 in about an hour. Could I do more or should I wait until the morning?


Active Member
20% now 10% tomorrow. 10% the next night. My real guess is that you will have kenya trees all over your tank in 2-3 months. Mine drops parts off that form new trees. Its tough stuff. Assuming you get it good water.