kenya trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


40 galons

looking for a good home for some kenya tree frags! email me at so we can discuss the arrangements.......keep in mind im going to throw them out the back door if someone doesnt want 1 or 2 or 3 ect


would love to have some, but they would have to be shipped, so i dont know if you would do this or if it would be too expensive, 50063

40 galons

hey ill ship them to whereever but ofcourse you'll have to pay for shipping....... i live in hudson n.c really close to hickory n.c, ill get some pics up tomorrow and remember these are just frags ,ill show the mother tree too and if you want some i have about 5-6 at the moment but im sure its gonna be dropping more (droped about 10 last year) and its a little bigger this year and i do accept tips if anyone wants to drop me one for the frags


Im interested! I could ship you a thermo and you can send it on my account via DHL.. Is that ok?


I have some Kenya as well, (1) is a pretty good size, like maybe a little bigger than a tennis ball up to maybe a baseball. Also a huge one I'm keeping, wouldn't be upset to part with baseball. SC area


Tank slave.. I'll take it.. I live in Illinois though..
let me know


OK N SARNO It's trunk is probably a little bigger than a quarter and he is on a piece of rock. I can probably come up with a cooler but not real sure on shipping. I know fish stores get there fish in pack with pure oxygen. I'm new but I thing trading and freebies among member is okay here....right? Email me with thoughts on shipping etc and let's see what we can do


40 galons didn't mean to jump your thread, just had some extra like you and thought we could both share. N Sarno I also have a nubby brown mushroom if you're interested, maybe I can figure out how to post a pic. He hitched on a light colored peach mushroom and I'm probably gonna have to chip him off.


Hi Darthlobi, 40 galon started this thread and I think has some, but I think I also have a decent size I could send you too if he don't. I'll check when the lights come on and let you know by here or email or both. These are all from my first one, I came home one day and thought my Niger had attached him or he exploded. Guess he was just ready to multiply. Anyway, I'll see if I can get you one loose. Let you know later today.

40 galons

n sarno youre reply sounds like music to my ears. own package, shipping thats what its all about. you have a deal
id like to say first of all i didnt no so many ppl would want 1 of these trees . and im srry to everyone who doesnt get 1. i only have a few but i am going off a first come basis except for the person going to send me a package to ship it in :) less work on my behalf but here are some pictures for those (seriously intrested!!!!!)
here are some pictures ,the first is the mother tree, the 2nd are last years that i kept, the rest are the fraggs, there are more but there in my sump so they dont attach to my main rocks
