Kevin's 29 gallon adventure!


Member promised!

Breeding pair of Tomato Clowns, with clutch of eggs!


Koralia 2

Purple Mushroom


Neon Green Candy Cane

and that's it for now! Hope you like my crappy pics, and rockwork!

scott t

Active Member
Nice Pictures Kevin, its looking good. You might want to get rid of the Eel and get something to take care of that hair algae in there. I think someone was just talking about hair algae in another post, You might want to consider a few Turbo snails and maybe an Emerald Crab to see if you can get it under control.. Maybe some of the experienced people on here will give you some better advice on how to get rid of it..


yes the flower pot is for the clowns to breed in. I will be picking up a turbo snail today, and I am trying to get rid of the eel, if you know anyone who would want him he's free. Well I'm off to work, till 3 then I will be posting more pictures of the new snail! :D

scott t

Active Member
What about your LFS they will not buy the Eel from you or give you store credit for it? Yeah I would suggest that you get a turbo or 2. Have a good day at work..


Active Member
i would take him if i could but i have no other tank what are your parimeters before you buy inverts


the lfs won't take the eel I already asked, as for the parameters everything is zero (ammonia, nitrates, nitrite) and I will have a good day at work scott because I get to pick up more stuff for my tank! Not bragging...seriously, just really excited :)

scott t

Active Member
I know you are not bragging and it is exciting when you have a tank that you can add stuff to, just remember dont add to much to fast you dont want overload the system..


Active Member
come on inverts dont do much if anything get rid of poop unless he means fish then he could get one in two weeks just has to get that eel out


I will be posting the eel on craigslist, I really need him gone, and I don't plan on getting anymore fish, I'm content with just my clowns and the engineer goby that never shows it's face.


Active Member
haha make sure to post a low price so they dont buy else were i saw one free so i would say around 35 dollors for the thing or just sell it free

scott t

Active Member
Everything that you put into the system affects the Bio-Load, Fish, Corals, Ect. They secrete waste so in turn you need a Bio-Load that can handle that waste. If you add to much to fast the bio-filter can not adjust its self that fast to compensate to the overload and will lead to your params being out of whack. You just have to make sure you do not add to many fish or corals to fast and give the Bio-filter time to catch up and stabilize. Yes he could add a fish in about 2 weeks I never said that he could not. But he just got the tank and yes it was an established system, but he moved it, so he has I am sure stirred things up and should wait for it to settle to add to many things to it...
He just moved the tank 2 days ago and has added 2 Tomato clown and 2 corals.. I am just advising him to take it slow, I dont not want to see him having issues...


I got two turbo snails today along with a condy anemone, I know I know about the anemone but the lfs where I got the snails from was about to throw it away....literally they had a trashbag out to throw it away and I stopped them and said I would take it, so we will see how it does in my tank.


Active Member
Bad move, if the nem is already dieing, you put it in your tank with extremely insufficient, it will continue to die. And a dead anemone will foul the water.


it was removed this morning, after having been sucked to the filter intake, wasn't dead but surely wasn't going to make it so I removed it, tested the water and everything is where it should be still

scott t

Active Member
Sorry to hear about the Anemone, but when you have them in a tank you have to cover things that it can be sucked in to with some type of netting because they do like to roam until the find a place that they like and will stay put. Hope everything else is doing well in the tank...


everything else is doing great! Clowns are getting fistey which I'm hoping means more eggs, then I will be transferring them to a 10 gallon with a heater and air stone to raise them till they get bigger. The corals are doing phenominaland I'm still waiting to get someone to take the eel.