Key West Aquarium


Pictures of the Key West Aquarium taken went I went on vacation with my family to Key West. The aquarium was quite small, but very nice. I also included some pictures of the beach tidal pools. Enjoy.


Here is the tidal pools on the beach, I killed a lot of time walking out and observing tons of hermit crabs, some dragonettes, and lots of algae.


And finally, what you should go there to see, is the sunsets in key west. Beautiful. If you have the means, I highly recommend it :)


Active Member
The aquarium looks like a big fish store essentially, how many species did they keep?
Good pics btw.


Thanks for the compliment.
Moray - It was a large room, with maybe 20 tanks total. Most were small (say 75-100 gallons) filled with corals, and species of fish that were compatible, community tanks mostly. They had no aggressives at all, except a larger tank with a school of fish and a grouper or two.
Carp - Thank you. Its so amazing there. I walked out (carefully, slippery) at least 50 feet, and you're still just rock hopping from pool to pool. Tons of people were out there all kneeling down, and like me, taking camera pics.
My email is giving me trouble, I will try to email you that full size pic though.


yup! was there 2 years ago. i rented a boat and went a mile out from shore and at some parts, you can jump out of the boat and stand in 3 feet of water. i shouldve taken a picture of me, standing right in the middle of the ocean!


Active Member
I wanna go now!! Great pics

Where did you both say if you don't mind telling me. We are looking into going there and I am getting mixed reviews on the hotels on Key West.


the hotels arent that great. :D i stayed at a 5 star hotel, if compared to a hawaii hotel, its morelike a 3 star. :D
if you want a place to go and relax, keywest would be a good place. i find keywest lack of nightlife and fine dining. but then again, miami is only a 2 hour drive away. another place you should definately go, if you plan on visiting keywest.