Key West Aquarium


let me add... cuba is not too far from keywest

rent a speed boat and your on your way to cuba! just make hope the US coast guard dont catch ya!


They WILL catch u, they got radar
. But, yea, I went ther, stopped by on a cruise. The nightlife is okay, more laidback, the bars are hopping though. Used to be a HUGE sailor spot way back wen. I saw the sunset, it was pretty neat. The aquarium is not that large at all, as they said. It is a bunch of tanks in one room, the tanks lining the wall. In the middle is a huge shark and ray display that goes across the room. On the right, which I HOPE they noticed, is a big tank FULL of green Morays, then there are some BIG groupers. Then OUTSIDE, there is a HUGE shark pond, and on the other side, outside again, they have like some sort of BIG shark, not just small ones. It is pretty nice, and good entertainment for the money. Lucky though, they just pump their water straight from the bay outside:D


and another... Not great pics, murky water, but HUGE eels, the size of yer FOREARM! Bigger even for all u scrawny people, lol. No diss meant by the way!!


Lion - It's interesting you mentioned that larger tank on the one wall. There was a few groupers, but no eels at all of any kind. Shucks. I did walk in the back and see the Lemon shark pool (if thats the name of it). Like you or someone else said, it was a cheap ticket for a lot to view.
Lovethesea- Calvindo was right. The guage of hotels there is slightly skewed. We were in a very nice hotel at the end of the main blvd. on the ocean, and while it was expensive, a local comfort suites would be comparable as far as ammenities. Still, you aren't in the hotel room that much, you're out having fun.


LO, they musta been either hiding, or just werent there. HTey werent in the BIG BIG tank, just ONE of the big tanks. Maybe they're gone by now, but those pics are from that aquarium... My dad got a kick outta them, didnt care about the anemones, corals, angels, other sweetA$$ fish, his sole pictures at the aquarium were of the eels. They could literally bit off yer hand though.


Active Member
I think keywest has a crap load of nightlife, deval st. is always packed and there is all the hobo street performers. There are better hotels there in the islamorada are. We go there like 5 times a year to a friends vacation house who my dad built their dock for them for free so they let us stay there whenever we feel like it. Its right on the atlantic side, on the water with a nice dock. We bring our boat and and go diving and fishing. When I get older if I'm rich enough I would like to live there ( thats if I'm rich enough)! Last time I went there I collected a bunch of I think margarita snails. They are all over the docks and seawalls and I mean millions on every pilling.


I've been to Key West many times over the last 10 years and I have to saw it's probably my favorite place in the states. The Ocean Key House is what I assume you're reffering to as "hotel on the end of the main street-Duval). I love the Key House, and always stay there when I go. Next time you're in KW you have to stop by Captain Tony's, Sloppy Joe's, and Margaritaville.
I just got back from my vacation at south beach and I also went to the Keys to Bahia Honda State park and I have some pictures but having a problem posting even with the instructions listed!
But as soon I can figure it out I will post but I must warn you pictures does not do that park justice!:yes: If you get to Florida It is a must see it is amazing.:eek: :eek:
South Beach is cool to we stayed at the West Gate Resort in South Beach. This trip to florida was one of my best times of all of my four time to Florida oh yea I also did some collecting but not at the park because it is restricted!:yes: Igot over a 150 blue leg hermitts and over 100 nassirius snail and they all made it home without any fatalities.


i went there about 4 years ago, can't remember much cause i was so young but the aquarium was nice. although i wasn't in to swf back then so i didn't know anything about the fish or corals just that i wanted some and now i have them