What test kits are you using blk822 ?
In my estimation, KH reading of 320ppm would be about 18 dKH, or about 6.4 meq/l alkalinity. That's condsidered high by many people.
That along with your elevated calcium is considered by many to be excessively high as well. The good thing is that both levels are high - but you are running the risk of preciptation.
You can do a series of water changes if you desire, but you don't want to do anything that would alter the pH from it's current range.
You can cease dosing the tank - and let the levels drop on their own.
If you have a lot of corraline algae or other calcium / carbonate demanding corals - I would do nothing, except stop the dosing - and let the excess calcium and carbonate be consumed naturally.
In my opinion, your saltwater would be considered supersaturated with calcium and carbonate ions at this point - and making a sudden change in temperature or pH, or continued doising could cause a huge precipitation of solid CaCO3 calcium carbonate in your tank.
If your test results are correct - I'm surprised you haven't seen some precipitation already. How's the heater looking ? Any scale build up ?
Still curious what test kits you are using, and what your getting for high/low pH range.