Kick Ich.........have you tried it? and a ?


was reading about Kick Ich today and even called the company who makes it. Has anyone tried it? Like it or not? Work for you? I think I remember someone recommending it someplace here. Reef and invert safe. The rep from the company said the reason it doesn't work for some people is that they under dose, you need to do the complete instructed dose. They don't sell to individuals, so he really had no reason to lie to me, and further more, there is not even one company in Wisconsin that carries it....mostly it's popular in the Eastern product I guess.
OH......a fish are all congregating in one corner of the tank and have been for days, any ideas on this? this is something new for them...weird.


No idea on the congregating part on the fish, but I have used Rid-ich in the past. You wont like my response, I have had 50/50 results using recommended dosage. Rather than spend the $25 bucks on this stuff, I would go with a QT and copper routine. On the good side, it is perfectly reefsafe in my experience, so no problems there. Good luck.


I used Kick-Ich once on my 125, lost 2 fish. I am pretty sure the others recovered on their own. IMO its an expensive way to dye your water yellow.


There are really only two PROVEN methods of curing ick.
Repeat that if you can. 2 proven ways.
Hyposalinity and copper.
Everything else is susspect and many are considerd snake oils.
Yes you will have some people say that kick ick worked for them. I'm sure it would be hard for them to tell if it was the chemicals in kick ick or the natural amunity of the fish that fought the ick off. These cases are what we call an exception rather than the rule.
Percentage wise you are far better to use a proven method like hyposalintiy than spending all that money on kick ick.


Sorry Thomas, I can't repeat that. I am too stupid.
btw, I have inverts including and arrow crab, hyposalinity is out.


OH btw, did you know copper can and probably will cut your fish's life expentancy in half? Ya, research it.


Hey Loopy, don't you have QT tank. I swear I read you did. If so just put your live rock and invertes in the qt and Hypo your main tank....That is what I did. Or see if your LFS will babysit your invertes for you and just keep the live rock in a rubber maid tub if it won't all fit in a qt.
Explore all options.



Originally posted by Loopy
OH btw, did you know copper can and probably will cut your fish's life expentancy in half? Ya, research it.

Definate downside to copper, I never use it. Way to many liver problems as well. Didn't mean to step on your toes. Just meant to make a point for those who read it, not you specifically. Sorry for the tone of the message.


i love copper thats all i use haha and i use it in my main tank been using it for a yr now no problems with test result or fish


Lionkiller, my qt guessed it....copper. Yep. stupid crap. So can't put my inverts in there.
Thomas, forget it. I'm just a beyatch lately. I could tell you why, but it's uninteresting. Sorry.
kiss me and we'll make up:eek:


btw, the Kick Ick is supposed to come tomorrow, and hey...I don't know where you got yours but I only am paying 12 bucks for a liter including shipping. (Maybe I sucked! the sales rep...(male..young) sounded sooooo cute!!!) (I AM a female btw...someone someplace called me 'dude'
I'm just going to try it. If it works, I'll tell you, if it doesn''ll be able to find my embarrassed as$ on a freshwater board!!!!!! Just wish me luck......K? k. I am the test market here for ya'll.:nervous:


Active Member
I agree with Thomas as copper and hypo are proven to kill the parasites. COpper is like Chemo on fish and bad news. After treatng with copper....aA few weeks or months or even a year does not mean it is not negatively impacting the animals. Constant exposure is definitely harmful in the long run..and short term too. It also is hard on your bio filtration if you are using it in your main tank. Additionally, all the rocks, etc are absorbing the copper and it can be realeased back into the system causing a BIG problem.
I further agree that adding anything else has yet to be proven effective in my opinion. If the ich cleared up after using one of those wonder products the fish kicked the disease...without the help of the Simon System or the voo-doo potions.
Treat ich every day with a solid nutrtional diet good water quality, etc. Boost the immune system of your fish and they can fight off the disease.
Loopy.......Best of luck