Kick Ich


Has anyone used Reef Safe Kick Ich? I hear conflicting tales. My brother in-law used it and he does not have ich anymore but my LFS said it is a bunch of bull and does not work.
anyone have any experience with it


I used it about 6 weeks ago. It did a fantastic job of eliminating the red cyano from my tank. However, it didn't do anything for ich.


Originally Posted by 92ProTruck
I used it about 6 weeks ago. It did a fantastic job of eliminating the red cyano from my tank. However, it didn't do anything for ich.
i have used kick ich before. i used it for the entire 14 day cycle and the ich went away. but a few days after the treatment was done it came back again. i have never had ANY success with this product, sorry to say(but thats just me).
ICH SUCKS! :mad: :mad: :mad:


the key is to overdose ...or to put a little bit more of the kick ick into the works better..
but heyyy sometimes works....sometimes doesn't


Active Member
Both of my brothers used this stuff... in both instances the ich went away and came back and went away and came back.. I wouldnt doubt one bit that the expensive 'kick-ich' did nothing. The fish simply got over the parasites by themselves and then got the outbreak again.
Kick-ich is overly expensive slime coat.


There are only 2 proven ways to cure ich. Hyposalinity and Copper, how can it kill ich which is an invert and not kill all your other invertabres.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MN1467
Has anyone used Reef Safe Kick Ich? I hear conflicting tales. My brother in-law used it and he does not have ich anymore but my LFS said it is a bunch of bull and does not work.
anyone have any experience with it
Big scam...nothing more then colored water with some slime coat additive and maybe a few vitamins. Big waste of time and money.. It is worse then ineffective becuase you waste valuable treatment time waiting for this magical voodoo mixture to work.
Companies that bring forward such garbage should be ashamed. Your lfs is informed and appears to know what they are doing.


Sorry to say that I've tried both Kick Ich and Kent's RxP and they both definately do not work as advertised. All my local stores have ample supplies of both products and they obviously are a big seller and money maker for them. Unfortunately they both are incapable of killing off the parasite and you'll just go through a series of repeat applications and failures if you waste money on these products.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Both of my brothers used this stuff... in both instances the ich went away and came back and went away and came back.. I wouldnt doubt one bit that the expensive 'kick-ich' did nothing. The fish simply got over the parasites by themselves and then got the outbreak again.
Kick-ich is overly expensive slime coat.
It really is sad that these products can make these claims yet have nothing but "hot air" to support their position. On top of that, they charge a high price for this crap that will do nothing but perhaps screw up your system and soak up valuable treatment time.
how can this product and others that make such claims nuke one invert ich and leave all others alone? THere is NO (NONE=ZERO) additive on the market today that can make this claim and point to science to support it. It defies logic as the ONLY ingredient knwon to kll ich is copper...which will also kill the other inverts.
What is so frustrating is that hobbyist continue to buy this crap...and hand over their hard earned money.
For those that wish to beleive this product is effective, please post the dcoumeted science behind the claim and name the ingredient contained in the voodoo mixture that will kill parasites and leave all ohter inverts alone. Better yet, contact the manufacturer and ask them to supply the information to support their claim.
Manufactureres should prove it or remove it from the market.
Please save your money and do not waste valuable treatment time. Perhaps if folks stop buying it they may actual conduct R & D searching for the miracle addiitive.



Active Member
I tried it for about 2 weeks the ich didnt get any better so I ended up removing the infected fish and treated with coppersafe for one month fish are fine .then invested on a UV sterolizer for future use.


yep. But I am pretty sure people who like will probably not step forward because of all the bad publicity. I am not going to use it My tank will go fishless for a while. I am just uinhappy I can't have my anemone in there yet. I want to wait until everything is right