"Kick Ick" anyone tried it?


dawn ii

Voracious! If it were not for the spots- i wouldn't know it.
Regards, Dawn.

dawn ii

Garlic & Selcon for a long time. He was fed it before he broke out also. I almost think if I hadn't stressed him in the QT he wouldn't have broken out with ick- who knows.


Active Member
Yeah, the stress in the QT might have done him in. I am glad he is doing better. Is his appetite still voracious?

dawn ii

Day 6- did another on schedute treatment yesterday. I'm not sure if I see a few spots or not. The cleaner shrimps worked on him the other day. His appetite is great, and he acts normal. No ick on other fish yet- I am keeping my fingers crossed for this controversial treatment. Regards, Dawn


Active Member
Great to hear, Dawn. I don't really feel that it is controversial. You need to do what you need to do for your fish. Kick Ich and Stop Parasite have been proven to work for some people in the past. As long as it helps your fish and not harms them, that is all that matters in the end.

dawn ii

Thank you for the encouragement, and for asking how things are going. There are some forums out there that go into "attack mode" if you don't use hypo or copper, which are not options here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawn II
Thank you for the encouragement, and for asking how things are going. There are some forums out there that go into "attack mode" if you don't use hypo or copper, which are not options here.
Yep, well that's not here.
Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your fish!

dawn ii

Day 7- there are definitely new spots on him. he is eating well, and acting normal. Dawn.


Active Member
Keep fighting it. The parasites are probably just trying to combat the garlic and medicine. You still have some more time medicating.Definitely continue the garlic as well.

dawn ii

I saw on this site under FAQ on quarantine- that only fresh squeezed garlic is effective- I use Garlic Extreme. What do you think of that??


Active Member
Well, I have had great results with Garlic Xtreme. That is what I use. I can only tell you my experience but I know Beth favors fresh squeezed garlic.

dawn ii

This is a stupid question- how do you know the Garlic Extreme is working?


Active Member
My fish have never come down with ich in my 210. When I had ich in my old 75 gallon tank, garlic and stop parasite got rid of it and it never came back onto my fish. When I have used garlic xtreme in my customers' tanks, any ich that a fish might have had was eliminated from the fish's body.

dawn ii

Day 8- the ick is not more numerous, just more prominent like last week before they broke out of the cysts. Good appetite, but I'm getting worried about it not going away. No other fishes show signs. Happy Easter everybody!!!


Active Member
Happy Easter to you as well.
I have heard that it sometimes does take the full fifteen days for the ich to die off. If he is still eating, I would stick to it for now. If he stops eating or appetite decreases, switch to Chem Marin's Stop Parasite for sure.

dawn ii

Day 9- ick is more numerous- tomorrow is a treatment day- still great appetite and acts normal.

dawn ii

Day 10- Today is treatment day.- looks like same amt of spots. Friday is the last day of treatment, so I'm not sure whatt to do.


Active Member
Can you possibly post your water parameters? Maybe something is a little off that is stressing the fish out a little.
pH, kH, salinity, temp, and nitrates?