Active Member
Originally posted by nflnutswif
OK here's the Mama's answer! I have 2 teenagers still in the house and what I tell them is. . . I hope you don't feel the urge to follow your friends and want to be independant and yourself enough not to follow others, BUT if you find yourself in a "situation" please don't drive or drive with someone who is ALSO in a "situation" PLEASE call mom or dad (NO QUESTION) We just want you safe, where ever you are, or whatever your doing, whatever time it is. . . call us we'll come get you, NO QUESTIONS. My 18 year old son called too drunk to drive his dad came and got him. My son's friend was arrested on a DUI lost his license for a year, 80 hours community service and huge fine! It isnt worth it! honest!
Congratulations to those of you mini adults on this board who can refrain from the temptation it is so honorable
Just remember there is a place AND time! it's all about fun!
Go TEXANS:cheer:
what you told your kids is what my mom told me