Now that his cycle is starting up, we're getting into the fish planning stage. Current planned list is going to be:
B&W Ocelaris Clown
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
Yellow Watchman Goby (??)
2 PJ Cardinals
Purple Firefish
Green Bubbletip Anemone
1 cleaner shrimp
10 blueleg hermits
3 Nacarius snails
2 Cerith snails
1 small Turbo
2 Astraea snails
1 Emerald crab, against my better judgement.
Corals are still up in the air, but I figure on starting him out with a couple blue & green zoa colonies, a leather toadstool, a kenya tree, and some pulsing xenia. When he's good with these hardier species I'll look at trying him on an open brain and a frogspawn.