Kill Aiptasia during cycle or after?


Originally Posted by spanko
Concentrate, concentrate, you are getting sleepy, sleepy, sleepy,

When I clap my hands you will awaken and go to the Devil Weed Aiptasia in your tank and kill it...kill it...kill it, you will not be mesmerized by it's beautifully flowing tentacles flowing in the water movement. Kill it..... kill it.....KILL IT!!!!

Love, Henry

I was actually reading in a magazine about this aiptasia this morning and I found out that the copperbanded butterfly is an aiptasia predator, but in this case, it can't be used for the clyce and the size of the tank.
I actually support Spanko...KILL IT!


When my tank was stil new and my hubbys we had a ton of aiptasia in our tanks. I used aiptasia x in the tank with wildlife and all was fine. It was fun injesting and watching them implode.


Active Member
LOL Gotta love the contrast in Henry's post: KILL - KILL - KILL. Signed, Love, Henry

Well I certainly can't do it right now - I'm home for lunch, dressed in office attire, and have all my other critters to tend to. And tonight I have to go out to dinner (my son't birthday) so I will be getting home late - then will have critter-care again.
Might I be able to get an extension on the execution date to Thursday?
(it's getting so pink and pretty!)


Active Member
Okay win.......keep the blasted things...........soon your tank will look like this;

Then don't come crying to me,
I warned you!
I am tired of arguing with you

Just you
what happens....



Active Member
Well I've got news for you fellas.... even when I DO kill it, I probably won't tell ya. I'm enjoying the creative smiley's and photos and video clips too much to end this thread!
And Scopus? You forgot to end your "KILL" note with "Love, Scopus". You must remember to show your kinder, gentler side as Henry did. LOL

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo
Well I've got news for you fellas.... even when I DO kill it, I probably won't tell ya. I'm enjoying the creative smiley's and photos and video clips too much to end this thread!
And Scopus? You forgot to end your "KILL" note with "Love, Scopus". You must remember to show your kinder, gentler side as Henry did. LOL
Bah! What kinder, gentler side? You must have me confused with someone else; like Tizzo, Spiderwoman, Henry, floridajoe or Sir Q. When dealing with Aiptasia, there is no kind or gentle side, there is only Termination without mercy!


Active Member
Gotta remember Sue, Randy is from Sheridan, Wyoming. They have a Bison on their flag. Their State fish is the Cutthroat Trout.

Randy is the one on the right. So he is not fooling when he says Termination without mercy!
You would do well to listen to him my little buckaroo.


Active Member
(insert audio file of Taps here)
Visual proof #1: infected rock in sink
Visual proof #2: crevice where aiptasia USED TO BE
See? I listened. Even though I didn't get home till 10:30 p.m. I still made it a top priority. Do I get my Murderer Badge now?


scopus tang

Active Member
- I will see to it that the Aiptasia patrol arrives tomorrow to swear you in; you'll have to relie on Henry for the visual of the badge however - obviously his skill with graphics far exceeds mine

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Gotta remember Sue, Randy is from Sheridan, Wyoming. They have a Bison on their flag. Their State fish is the Cutthroat Trout.

Randy is the one on the right. So he is not fooling when he says Termination without mercy!
You would do well to listen to him my little buckaroo.
Henry - how did you know?!

scopus tang

Active Member
Nice Henry - but shouldn't you be the chief agent? After all, you were in there encouraging termination before I was.


Active Member
"I'd like to thank my family and friends and members of the Academy for this prestigious award - I couldn't have done it wthout you!"
I will wear my badge proudly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Nice Henry - but shouldn't you be the chief agent? After all, you were in there encouraging termination before I was.
My job is to surround myself with capable, informed, hard working people such as yourself Randy. I am not here for any glory and will gladly pass on the responsibility and authority to those who show their eagerness to get the job done.


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Bah! What kinder, gentler side? You must have me confused with someone else; like Tizzo, Spiderwoman, Henry, floridajoe or Sir Q. When dealing with Aiptasia, there is no kind or gentle side, there is only Termination without mercy!
That's alright... I gotcher number Scopas...