Kill Hair Algae

nm reef

Active Member
Control excessive nutrients and manual removal.....increased filtration....reduced lighting.....


Active Member
depending on the size tank you have some fish will eat hair algae,foxfaces sometimes do some tangs also silver scats(brackish as juvenile easily acclimated to sw) will eat it .


its a 75g with und. trigger, clown trig,bursa trig, panther grouper, dog face puff.,g.wolf eel, yellowhead eel, .


Originally Posted by sweetpea
its a 75g with und. trigger, clown trig,bursa trig, panther grouper, dog face puff.,g.wolf eel, yellowhead eel, .


Active Member
thats a big bioload in that small of a set up. i dont suggest adding any other fish. hair algae is not detrimental to your fish its just unsightly to some does have its purpose(eats nitrates).but can clog powerheads if left to grow widly.although you have agressive fish a clean up crew can be utilized temporarily such as hermit crabs and turbo snails.emerald crabs and sally lightfoots may also be of some help to eliviate some of the algae.but these would have to restocked from time to time. you may wish to change your bulbs if they are very can also add prime to your water supply during water changes (this nutrilizes nitrates and ammonia) making less food for the algae to thrive on.weekly water changes of 25%(thats what I do) can also be helpful in reduction of growth rate.if using filter media these should be changed weekly to elliminate removed toxins from being leached back into the tank and becomming a food sourse for unwanted algaes.if using bioballs the balls should be cleaned every few months to reduce trapped debris and waste particles from building up and causing water quality issues.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetpea
its a 75g with und. trigger, clown trig,bursa trig, panther grouper, dog face puff.,g.wolf eel, yellowhead eel, .
ps I hope an upgrade is scheduled for the very near future some of these fish grow very quickly and become very agressive towards other tank mates if not given ample space for territory


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetpea
Yea an upgrade would be nice just lookin for the right size and price.
for the types and number of fish you have you need a minimum of a 125(6 ft) but even that is a temp size for some of those go at least 150-180 for longer term.180 and up being the more suitable for all of these fish,puffers grow very quick and they dont tolerate a stressfull enviroment.which unfortunatly as these fish grow in the 75 will become quite stressfull for him.and as triggers grow they become more aggressive in the territorial disputes.keep a watch in the classifieds and also check with your LFS for previously owned tanks some stores do take used tanks as trades or sell on consignment for clients.


Active Member
Like NM said, your nitrates are probably feeding the hair algae. In that size tank, it will be nearly impossible to control nitrates unless you are doing large weekly water changes.


Originally Posted by sweetpea
How do you get rid of hair algae if you can't put snails or hermits in the tank?
I recently had this problem I cut the lights down and cut back on heavy feedings and added a kole tang and now its gone...
I gota do a water change tonight ugggghh


do everything as above with lights extra and try rowa phosphate and silicate remover in your filter. its expensive but works great. good luck with that.


didnt mean to say extra lights . i meant cut feedings, increase water changes all of the above etc. not extra sorry