Killer Bubble Coral


Hello Everyone... I woke this morning to look at my tank like I always do... And as I was looking at my bubble I noticed something weird...So I moved the coral around a little.. I look closer and I see one of my Green Chromis being eaten....

Not sure if I have not been feeding it enough??? I give it a piece of scallop and shrimp every 1-2 weeks... Might need to feed more...
Should I remove it or see if it will eat the whole fish???



The chromis was probably in poor health or dead. Just let the coral eat it.


Active Member
I feed my bubble coral 1/2 a silverside twice a week, every other week. On the opposite week I feed a jumbo krill piece twice a week.
I agree with what was said before, outside of an anemone a healthy fish should not become coral food.