killer Clown..HELp!!!!!!


Active Member
i have two true perc clowns that i recently moved to my 90g from a 24g..when they were in the 24g. the larger clown nipped at two smaller fish that I've added..and both died.they were sixline wrasse and yellow watchman i have the clowns in a 90g and i want to start adding other fish and im scared the big clown will nip at the new tank mates i add..the clowns been in the 90g for about 3 weeks now..i want to try a yellow watchman goby agian...Should I buy one the same sizes as the clown or bigger?..the clown is 2 inches.. or what should i do?


Active Member
if possible u could just move some rock around... or something like that. also i would just feed him before so hopefully he doesnt feel like he has to protect his food from the other fish for awhile.. a bigger goby might be good to help stand up to the clown, but a smaller one might be good too because it could hide more..


I too have two clowns but they seem to stay to the back right of my tank. My Foxface hangs right with'em because he thinks he's a clown too. If your two stay to one side of the tank I think you'd be okay to add more fish. When I added some Pep. Shrimp the bigger clown would go close to him if they came into her area. But she never nipped add anything but me when I spot feed my duncan some shrimp.


Active Member
my clowns hang around my heater and overflow box all day. they never venture on to the other side. so since my new tank is a lot bigger then my old 24g i hope im okay with adding a goby about the same size as the clown. so no territorial disputes....