Killer Coral Banded Shrimp


My coral banded shrimp ate my Peppermint shrimp. I saw it having a meal out of the peppermint shrimp. Wondering if I should get rid of the coral banded shrimp as I really want to get a cleaner shrimp instead.


I had a CBS once and he ate a wrasse and a royal gramma. He was a Big shrimp. I took his butt back to the LFS. I had thoughts of taking him to red lobster.


Active Member
I would suggest that you do get rid of the CBS. I had one a while back... used to pick on everything in the tank, including my niger triggerfish and my anemone. Little guy was a real bully. Many other people have reported aggression from their cbs.


My CBS has never bothered anything. I have two cleaner shrimp and they don't pay any attention to each other


My CBS does not bother anything either. I have Pmints and they are fine. I think that CBS are a 50/50 shot, either they work or dont.


Active Member
i for one, would not question it, msot cbs are aggressive, especially towards other shrimp, when you get one,you have to be prepared for the fact that it may become the only shrimp in your tank, this happens more often than not, not always but alot
they have even been know to go after smaller fish(not too often, butit has happened more than once)