Killer Emerald Crabs???

Last week I found a cleaner shrimp in the claws of an emerald crab...dead he arrived looking unwell so I attributed it to that...The cleaner shrimp in the other tank has now disappeared, and the only culprit in that tank I can think of are the little green eating machines....anybody have any advice or comments?


We have some too, and our LFS guy said that those a aggressive crabs and they killed all of our snails too. We are trying to get rid of them now.


New Member
Originally Posted by ER..MD
Last week I found a cleaner shrimp in the claws of an emerald crab...dead he arrived looking unwell so I attributed it to that...The cleaner shrimp in the other tank has now disappeared, and the only culprit in that tank I can think of are the little green eating machines....anybody have any advice or comments?
I don't have any problems with emerald crabs at all! They only get rid of those dead snails for me, which is kind of great! Although I like sally crabs more, because they are always so energetic.


Our "team green eating machines" as my son calls them ate 2 of our firefish last week. Our lfs said that they were harmless


Staff member
I basically do not like craps. They add nothing to benefit the tank, and can wreak havoc with many creatures that do benefit the tank.


All crabs are opportunistic omnivores. They'll eat just about anything that presents itself. With a large emerald crab in a small tank a lot of things present themselves given time. The same crab in a 150 gallon tank is very unlikely to do any noticeable damage.
If you want to get rid of them, then lean a clean shot glass next to the piece of rock they like to hang out in. Drop some food in the glass and turn the lights out. The crabs will crawl into the glass and not be able to get out. There are also a number of traps you can buy that work pretty well. It just takes a little time and patience.


Active Member
i'd just wait till night or something, turn the light on real quick and take a net and hunt them down.


I've got 4 of these little guys and I have never had any problems with them at all. I'm not sure it was the emerald that killed your shrimp. I think the shrimped died and it was eating it. I have had emeralds in a 10g before with no trouble at all. The only thing 1 of my emeralds do is eat my green star polyp but once he made a line through it splitting it into 2 he hasnt messed with it since.


i have one thats killed a few things here and there but its the cirle of life isn't it. maybe he's crabbyor something