killer fish...


Active Member
i am looking to put an aggressive fish in my tank to take out my damsels which are impossible to catch...the question i have is....i also have a cleaner shrimp would my shrimp be put in danger also??


angeler fish,volitan lion,clown trigger,sohal tang,undy,large puffer any one of those would be great at killing any fish so pick your choose but i would go with a angler or a trigger


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
angeler fish,volitan lion,clown trigger,sohal tang,undy,large puffer any one of those would be great at killing any fish so pick your choose but i would go with a angler or a trigger
but all of these will also prolly kill my shrimp and hurt my corals right?


Active Member
and my lawn mower blenny would prolly get eatin too...i just do not know what to do my bio load is too heavy...i am fighting with nitrates and need to get a couple fish out of there


Active Member
Damsels arent keeping your nitrates high.
What other fish do you have in the tank and what size tank are we talking about?


...and how many damsels do you have? i agree, it would take a lot of damsels to cause a nitrate problem, unless you are overfeeding them.


Active Member
i used the darkness of night to catch my clarkii, i waited till the lights were out then went in at about 1:30 in the morning,flipped the actinics on, and i bagged 'em w/ 2 huge nets, i had 300 lbs of live rock, but he was so disorientated, that he didn't put up much fight


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
but all of these will also prolly kill my shrimp and hurt my corals right?