No doubt, do I have 8 killer peppermint shrimps in my tank. When I bought my very first hammer coral...they ate it alive. I thought that maybe it was because something happen during acclimation and it was dying, thus the shrimps were eating the dead tissue. Oh boy was I wrong.
So, my order of frogspawn arrived today! I was very excited..floated it for 20 minutes and acclimated for an hour.. when I put it in.. I noticed the bright green color from it and was even happier
THEN I saw my p. shrimps come over and took a tentacle!!!!!!!!!!
3 of them came over and tried to munch on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the problem!?!?! keep in mind.. I have 8 p. shrimps!!!
Why do they keep eating my corals?!!!!!!!!!
So, my order of frogspawn arrived today! I was very excited..floated it for 20 minutes and acclimated for an hour.. when I put it in.. I noticed the bright green color from it and was even happier
Why do they keep eating my corals?!!!!!!!!!