Killer peppermint shrimp"S".


No doubt, do I have 8 killer peppermint shrimps in my tank. When I bought my very first hammer coral...they ate it alive. I thought that maybe it was because something happen during acclimation and it was dying, thus the shrimps were eating the dead tissue. Oh boy was I wrong.
So, my order of frogspawn arrived today! I was very excited..floated it for 20 minutes and acclimated for an hour.. when I put it in.. I noticed the bright green color from it and was even happier
THEN I saw my p. shrimps come over and took a tentacle!!!!!!!!!!
3 of them came over and tried to munch on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the problem!?!?! keep in mind.. I have 8 p. shrimps!!!
Why do they keep eating my corals?!!!!!!!!!
are you sure there peppermint shrimp not camel shrimp???they look a like but camel shrimp will eat soft corals especailly zoos etc......


yea, I'm sure they are peppermint shrimp. Well.. I think they might be hungry.. so I'm going to hand feed them.. from now on..until I make a trap to trap them and trade it in for credit.


Active Member
Peps will eat any soft coral they can get their grimy little claws on. Expecially when they are in large numbers and hungry. They have very large appetites for their size and will need to be fed a chunk of something everyday for the most part or they will pick your tank apart. I had mine try to do the same thing.


Yea, I'm going to wait for another week till my dad comes and try to construct a trap for me to get those p. shrimps out. They just took a big tentacle off my frogspawn..I'm going to kick their little butts...