Killer Shrimp!


Over the last few days after getting my reef package a few things have gone missing... 5 emerald crabs, a blue damsel, and a sally lightfoot have disappeared. Can a snail eat them? No. Can a hermit crab eat them? No. The only logical explanation was that my coral banded shrimp is a violent killer. Are they known to kill or harm other tankmates besides other shrimp? I have yet to find a carcass of any of the victims.


I had a worm called a "Eunicid". I found empty snail shells and hermit carcasses underneath the rock that it was living in.
Not saying that is what is killing your stuff, If you have LR, you may have an unwanted hitchhiker.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LAXplaya
Over the last few days after getting my reef package a few things have gone missing... 5 emerald crabs, a blue damsel, and a sally lightfoot have disappeared. Can a snail eat them? No. Can a hermit crab eat them? No. The only logical explanation was that my coral banded shrimp is a violent killer. Are they known to kill or harm other tankmates besides other shrimp? I have yet to find a carcass of any of the victims.
Yes, CBS are alot like people. Some are normal and live normal lives..., others are viscious murderers.