killing nusense anenomes question..

the LFS told me that i could use calcium hydroxide powder mixed into a paste and inject it onto the anenomes to kill them,
i just want to ask some poeple on here that have experiance, what they thought about it and if it could hurt my corals.
they told me to only kill a few at a time becuase it could rise my carbonate hardness and calcium levels.
anything else i should know. or is it just a bad idea all together????
I had aipastia and majanos about 5 months ago I want to say...I asked several questions about them...and tried the boiling water, lemon juice, and joes juice methods...the joes juice did the trick...when I ran out of the joes juice and just mixed up the powder as you stated above. I only used enough to cover the anemone. and if I got it on a coral, I just used a turkey baster to blow it off. I had over fifty of the guys. I had no trouble with my corals or calcium levels. I only had a couple come back, I treated them a second time and now I have been anemone free for months. I hope you have the same luck.
wow, i glad to hear that. i was hesitant to try it. i just didnt want to do some thing to my tank that i was sure about.
thank you.
another couple quick questions.
what happens if some comes off the anenome and into the tank?
how any did you kill at once and how long did wait to kill more?
did you do water changes after??
what happens if your fish eat the paste??
anything else i should know?? just do want to hurt my tank.....