Holy Cats
Looks like you could run a nuke reactor with that plumbing
Sure looks like a very sweet start to what I am sure will be an incredible show piece!
Thanks for the pictures
I gotta gut feeling that'll be a heck of a system...once its all established. I've watched its development with interest...by all means please keep us updated. You were right...that maze of plumbing is a headache maker...the high tech applications of this hobby always cause me headaches. I thought my plumbing was twisted and contorted...yours is a beast compared to mine.
Kick Azz plumming setup there, Kip!! Cant wait for the finished project, but like you said............it will be awhile. Good shots anyhow..
oh yea, have you found those invoices for the instant algea yet? Just let me know. Thanks
what are your plans on preventing sand from settling in the sump.could you give us a diagram or explain your setup(as far as sump to fube by 1.5 inch standpipe to fuge at 300 gph.)