kitchen nano progress pics (old and new)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
A couple of sideshots and one of my favorite shots of Jerry, my Solomon Islands Onyx percula... Jerry has been paired now for over a year and has developed into a mature female!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Sharing my other systems from the apartment... my 54 corner and 65 gallon sps clam ricordia system...
The last shot is a sneak peek of my new 180 (actually the 180 I bought in high school years ago slaving at the LFS and have set back up!). I'm on the left and Sanjay Joshi (the aquarium lighting authority!) is next to me after visiting me for the day from Penn State. Things are looking much better now since the photo and I'm slowly building my little ocean. The room behind is filled with over 300 gallons of frags tanks, refugiums, and other things. I look to swap out the 180 with a ~600 gallon 8'x5'x2' aquarium within a couple of years... definately put on hold as my wife and I are expecting our first baby in August, and it's a boy! :) I'll be sure to post up one of those cheesy photos where people put their child inside their new giant aquarium to show the scale... :D


well first off congrats on the baby boy. it must be an overwhelming feeling..
i'm praying when i roll the dice for a child that it pops out a boy

and i thought sanjay was younger .. he's been a mysterious man with no face for awhile now. glad i have a face to put to his writings now.
and that 65 is amazing.. if you have any pics handy that are bit closer i'd love to take a look.... do you get much fighting between the ricordia and SPS ?


thanks a lot johnny you dont know how much i really appreciate you taking the time to post those pics again. I too have started a 10g nano and really admire your a way your tank has become a big inspiration for me.
thanks again :happy:


I'll be sure to post up one of those cheesy photos where people put their child inside their new giant aquarium to show the scale...
I hope you do this BEFORE you put the water in!!!

Joking aside...tanks look great!!! Lots of diversity and color. Keep up the good work and congrats!!!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks all... rest assured that some of his first words will be scientific names of life in the tank!
tuningvis, many people think of Sanjay as the Phd lighting guy, but in all honesty beyond that he's a giddy child like all of us when it comes to reef tanks! Aside from the infamous Penn State tank he has some wonderful systems in his home that I was fortunate enough to see. He's a great guy... Here's some more pics of the 65... check out the September '04 issue of Reefkeeping Magazine where it was featured... I'd link it but I believe that is still discouraged here... Anyway here are some top shots going left to right across the tank and a few of my ric collection, which I always kept seperate from the sps to avoid them spreading into each other...


simply amazing....

i think you may have gave me a look for my 75 that i'm trying to get up and running
does sanjay have a personal site
like pics of his reef and maybe a bit more about him
he seems like a really interesting guy


oh and what kind of lighting are you running...
kinda looks like a 14k or maybe 10k MH with supplement

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
tuningvis, thank you! I hope I've given you ideas... Use the largest pieces of rock available and go for a real reef look... not just a pile of rocks along the back wall of the tank placing the corals like a display tank at retail store... I hate to see that... remember, this is an artform with Mother Nature as our Picasso! Sanjay does have a personal site, but links are forbidden here... google is your friend though...;). He's a very interesting and nice guy and like I said, behind the Phd professor and researcher you'll find an excited hobbyist like the rest of us... What system's lighting are you asking about?
scubataibi I have no anemones...