Kitchen sponge use


Active Member
I don't see why not, stuff from the collection cup never enters back to the tank. Definitely not on the neck or the raiser in the collection cup. Just wet paper towels work for me though.


I wouldnt. just to be safe. although thats about the only part you really could use it for. but still, if you wanted to use a sponge I know theres some good marine ones that do the same work but dont come with all the extra antibacterial features as a kitchen sponge.


Active Member
I do, but just make sure to wrinse well. Then again, I don't think you'll want to use the sponge on your dishes anymore. :)


Active Member
I don't use a sponge in my kitchen. That is NASTY and collects all kids of germs. Dish brush is so much more hygenic. I use a pasty brush to clean my skimmer.


Active Member
ehh, i don't think i'd trust a kitchen sponge anywhere near my tank--too many antibacterial components built into them.
i use a bristle brush or my finger.


Most LFS also sell pipe cleaners that are good for fitting into thin pipes like skimmer pipes and overflow U tubes.
I use a kitchen sponge for doing dishes. After use it is soaked in bleach water to kill any bacteria then gets tossed into the microwave to kill any remaining bacteria.


I'll go with a papper towel and a brush, Thanks. I also use warm/ to hot water it really helps get the gunky stuff off...and so far no breaking of the collection cup.


no offense to anyone...but just use your fingers. this isn't the hobby for you, if you don't like to get your hands dirty.


Some people like to be clean but no offense to any1
,I have to shower 3x a day because I have ocd and have to have my tank looking perfecto.. lol no pun intended..T^